Military Bot

system shock 2 enemy militarybot

Enemy – Mechanical

Attributes: Very high Hit Points, high damage, medium attack speed, low movement speed
Weakness: Armor-Piercing Bullets, EMP damage
Common Loot:
Nanites, Portable Battery

Strategy: Military Bots represent the strongest robotic enemy you’ll face up against, and with good reason: unlike the relatively weak Maintenance Bot, these guys are geared to do serious damage, and take it in spades. While your upgraded Assault Rifle plus Armor-Piercing Bullets, or EMP Grenades will take these down in a few shots, any other weaponry will struggle to do sufficient damage to harm them, and if you’re a Psi user, your Cryokinesis will leave you very, very wanting. Although they’re just as slow as the other robots, the Military Bot’s Fusion Cannon shots are fairly large and hard to avoid at close range, so it’s best to keep your distance.

The Military Bot is of TriOptimum design, built on the same chassis as the Maintenance Bot, and equipped for heavy killing potential. Their arm-mounted Fusion Cannons will cause lot of pain if you’re caught in their fire, while their armor plating ensures high damage resistance. Like the rest of the robots on the Von Braun and Rickenbacker, Xerxes has turned the Security Bots on the Von Braun against you. You’ll first find Military Bots on Recreation, and they become a staple threat on the Command Deck, and especially aboard the Rickenbacker.

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