Cyborg Assassin

system shock 2 enemy cyborgassassin

Enemy – Cyborgs

Attributes: Medium Hit Points, medium damage, fast attack speed, fast movement speed
Weakness: Armor-Piercing Bullets and Shells, EMP damage
Common Loot:

Strategy: Dealing with Cyborg Assassins can be difficult. While an individual doesn’t pose an extreme threat, with two or more to manage, their fast movement speed and reliance on hit-and-run tactics means you’ll be spending as much time chasing them as you will shooting at them. Their raw damage output isn’t the highest, but when combined with their quick attack speed, it’s easy to be overwhelmed. Engaging them in melee can sometimes be effective, but if you’re able to fire off a few quick rounds with your more powerful weapons, they should go down before they’re able to respond to you.

While Cyborg Assassins aren’t quite as deadly as their name suggests, they are still one of the most dangerous enemies you’ll fight in System Shock 2. Equipped with a ranged laser attack and a melee strike, the Cyborg Assassin’s biggest threat is in its speed, as it can be hard to hit and tends to employ hit-and-run tactics. You’ll fight four special versions of these on Operations in order to restore the Simulation Units, and many more appear on each level afterwards.

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