Star Wars: KotOR II

Feargus Urquhart Video Interview, Part Four

The fourth and final installment of Matt Barton’s interview with Obsidian Entertainment CEO Feargus Urquhart has been published, and it includes a look at Obsidian’s career, with a particular focus on their big franchise sequels and its Seven Dwarves cancelled…

Feargus Urquhart Video Interview, Part Three

The third part of Matt Barton’s interview with Obsidian CEO and head of Interplay’s defunct RPG division Feargus Urquhart has been released, and it focuses on the demise of Black Isle and the very start of Obsidian Entertainment. Apparently Urquhart…

Obsidian Still Thinks About Star Wars: KotOR III

From the “never say never” camp comes this write-up on IGN that features commentary from Obsidian Entertainment’s Josh Sawyer and Brandon Adler suggesting that the studio is still very much interested in developing another Star Wars: Knights of the Old…

Chris Avellone Audio Interview

Obsidian Entertainment’s Chris Avellone is once again sharing his free time with the many people clamoring at the chance to interview him, and this time it’s the lucky guys at MemoryLeak getting a chance to quiz the veteran designer for…

Chris Avellone Podcast Interviews

I’m guessing Chris Avellone (for those who don’t remember, co-founder, co-owner and creative director at Obsidian Entertainment, and also, more recently, human stretch goal for Kickstarter RPG projects) has had more time recently, because two podcast have had him as…

Chris Avellone Interview

The one and only Chris Avellone has taken the time to answer another fistful of questions about his personal likes/dislikes and development experience, among other things, in this new interview on Russian website RPGNuke. A couple of questions and their…

Five Gaming Franchises That Should Live Again

The folks over at Continue Play have rounded up a list of five video game franchises that they’d like to see further installments to, and as it turns out three of them are familiar to role-playing game enthusiasts. I certainly…

Star Wars: KotOR III: Here’s How, Who, and Why

I very much doubt that EA and BioWare will ever bring us another single player Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, particularly since LucasArts is no more, but I certainly won’t complain when I see others at VGU.TV clamoring…

PCGamesN Top 15 PC RPGs

PCGamesN has published a list of what they consider the best, or at least among the best, PC RPGs of all times, and while I have to note that it seems to ignore anything that came before the late 90s,…

How Dungeons & Dragons Inspired Classic PC Games

While there’s absolutely no denying that Dungeons & Dragons has had an enormous influence on the video game landscape over the past 35 years, I can’t help but feel that this three-page feature on Tom’s Guide misses the mark by…