Star Wars: KotOR II

A History of Cancelled Star Wars Games

You’ve probably heard “May the 4th be with you!” at least a couple of times already today, but it’s time to chalk up yet another mention as Shacknews has doled out a history of cancelled Star Wars games that includes…

In The Cards

Richard Cobbett has penned yet another RPG Scrollbars column for Rock, Paper, Shotgun, and this time he focuses his attention on card game spin-offs and minigames. With the explosion of Hearthstone in the last few years and the success of…

Just Go Along With It, Okay?

The latest Monday RPG column from Richard Cobbett covers the narrative idiosyncrasies of video role-playing games and how certain titles address them, with varying degrees of success. As always, it’s published on Rock, Paper, Shotgun: I do like it when games at…

Eight of the Greatest RPG Franchises of All Time

Mass Effect, Fallout, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, Pokemon, Baldur’s Gate, Final Fantasy, Ultima, and The Elder Scrolls round off The Escapist’s list of “The Greatest RPG Franchises of All Time”. There are some glaring absences, but I…