Surface – Star Wars: KOTOR II

In this guide, you’ll find a walkthrough for the End Game part of Star Wars: KOTOR II. To help you to navigate this area, a map, and legend are provided. There are more detailed notes for each point of the map legend in the walkthrough section.

Star Wars Kotor 2 surface map

1 – Arrival
2 – Republic Crash Site
3 – Storm Beasts
4 – Cut-Scene
5 – Republic Crash Site
6 – Exit


There must be more crash landings in this game than any game in current memory. When you reach the area, the Ebon Hawk is badly damaged. Your goal on Malachor V is to find Kreia, ultimately at Trayus Core in the academy. To do that, you’re first goal is to make it to the exit at #6 leading to the Depths. Fortunately, there are not very many creatures to battle in this area and the adventure to the exit your first time is almost non eventful; you’ll find a few storm beasts at #3 and another few beyond. They can hit hard but are also fairly easy to hit themselves, making them easier than they might be otherwise. From the next area you can enter the academy and eventually find Kreia.

1 – Arrival

a) After Mira’s Battle, as the Remote:

You begin surprisingly as the remote at this location. Bao-Dur tells you to find the four active engine cores and activate the mass shadow generator using the codes you’re given. To complete the mission, all you must do is visit each crashed republic ship, two in this area at #2 and #5, and two in the Depths at Depths (#3) and Depths (#4), and use each console to raise the shadow generator. Until you are the remote, these consoles do nothing as your main character. When it’s completed, you’ll be visited by G0-T0 for a final word, before again taking control of your main character.

2 – Republic Crash Site

As the remote only, use the console to partially raise the mass shadow generator.

3 – Storm Beasts

Likely your first encounter with storm beasts. They’re large bi-pedal animals that hit for a lot of damage, but are also fairly easy to take down as well. Beware of the occasional storm beast or two as you travel throughout the rest of the surface and depths, though there are not many.

4 – Cut-Scene

Mira will awaken and Kreia is sending a large beast your way….

5 – Republic Crash Site

As the remote only, use the console to partially raise the mass shadow generator.

6 – Exit

Exit to Depths (#1).

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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
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