Rebuilt Jedi Enclave – Star Wars: KOTOR II

In this guide, you’ll find a walkthrough for the End Game part of Star Wars: KOTOR II. To help you to navigate this area, a map, and legend are provided. There are more detailed notes for each point of the map legend in the walkthrough section.

Star Wars Kotor 2 Rebuilt Jedi Enclave map

1 – Exit
2 – Your Destiny


After having finished all of the planets and tying up the “Loose Ends” in Onderon as in the walkthrough, you can then talk to Kreia and get the quest to come to the Ruined Jedi Enclave. The entrance is at Jedi Courtyard (#8) on Dantooine, which will now become open to you.

If you have any other quests to finish, such as the fuel situation on Telos, or the merchant Geeda’s trade routes on Nar Shaddaa, then now is the time to get those done. I’d recommend solving Geeda’s at Refugee Landing Pad (#13), as she then has high quality items for sale and you may benefit.

Once here at the Ruined Jedi Enclave, your goal is simple. Whether you are Light or Dark Side, proceed to the open area at #2 and your End Game Path will be set.

1 – Exit

Exit to Jedi Courtyard (#8).

2 – Your Destiny

Enter this area and the End Game will be triggered.

a) Light Side players:

You will once again face members of the Jedi Council, and will have to eventually succumb to their punishment. Fortunately, Kreia interrupts on your behalf. Light Siders will then get the power ” Force Enlightenment”, which is wonderful because it combines most of your buffing powers into one single power. Obviously, Consulars/Jedi Masters will get the most benefit from this as they’ll likely have all of their buffing powers maxed out, such as Master Valor, Master Battle Meditation and Master Speed.

When the cut scene is over, you will travel to the Secret Academy on Telos, and must face Atris at Secret Academy (#6). Follow the link for details.

b) Dark Side players:

You’ll likely find this area noticeably void of Jedi Masters, unlike Light Siders. However, since it is possible to be Dark Side and leave Jedi Masters alive, it is possible you’ll have to confront whoever is left over. Whether or not you fight, Kreia will come to you and after your conversation, you will gain the power “Force Crush”, an immensely powerful single victim spell.

When the cut scene is over, you will travel to the Secret Academy on Telos, and must face Atris at Secret Academy (#6). Follow the link for details.

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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
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