Space Siege

Space Siege Review

Voodoo Extreme is next in line with a review of Space Siege, giving the game an overall score of 3 Space Siege would be awesome if it was a budget title, but when you charge the big bucks, you have…

Space Siege Review

GameSpy is the next major site up for reviewing Space Siege, and they don’t like it much either, giving it a 2.5 While Space Siege is technically an action-RPG, the hallmarks of the genre are not explored to their fullest.…

Space Siege Review

1UP’s Jeff Green has dished up a mediocre review of Space Siege, giving Gas Powered Games’ newly released action RPG a “C”. If all you require from a game like this is to click on monsters until they’re dead, then…

Space Siege Hits Steam

Valve’s Steam service now features three SEGA titles in its ever-growing collection, including Space Siege for $49.99.

Space Siege Review

G4 X-Play reviews Space Siege and seems to like it for the most part, noting “Space Siege is an example of RPGs evolving to include elements of a quality FPS”, though they criticize its control system. They give it a…

Space Siege Developer Diary #3

The third installment in the Space Siege video developer diary series has been released. You can view it on either GameVideos or Shacknews.

Space Siege Reviews

The first review of Space Siege at IGN is markedly unkind, summing the game up “[a]s dismal as any dungeon?” and giving it a 6.4 Space Siege bills itself as an action RPG but the developers have cautioned that it…

Space Siege Interview

Just as Space Siege begins to hit retail stores, RPG Vault brings us some last-minute answers from lead designer Mike Marr. Jonric: How does character development happen over time? Is it based on leveling to gain better skills or abilities?…

Space Siege Released

Gas Powered Games has announced that their sci-fi action RPG Space Siege is available at retail stores starting today. The final defense of humanity begins today! In Space Siege, a thrilling action-RPG adventure, you assume the role of Sgt. Seth…

Space Siege Developer Diary #2

A second Space Siege developer diary has surfaced, this time with the team telling us all about the protagonist Seth Walker. Stream it from FileFront.