Shadowrun Returns

Shadowrun Setting for January Kickstarter Teased

The folks at Harebrained Schemes have pushed out another brief post-funding update for Shadowrun Returns’ Kickstarter campaign, with which they tease the setting they mean to use for the new Shadowrun campaign they’ll attempt to fund with a Kickstarter in…

Shadowrun: Dragonfall Director’s Cut Interview

The guys over at Morbid Play had the opportunity to chat with Shadowrun Returns executive producer Mitch Gitelman about the game’s recently released and well-received Director’s Cut edition. Topics include the creation of Harebrained Schemes and the crowdfunding campaign that…

Shadowrun: Dragonfall – Director’s Cut Reviews

Most publications have decided to not review the stand-alone re-release of the Shadowrun: Dragonfall expansion, which is understandable given that, for the most part, we’re talking about the same content of the original expansion with a few additions and tweaks,…