Shadowrun Returns

Shadowrun Returns Post-funding Update #34

The latest post-funding update to the Shadowrun Returns Kickstarter asks for questions for a video Q&A, similar in format to that posted 3 months ago. If you have some questions you’d like to be answered, that’s as good a moment…

Shadowrun Returns Concept Art

The folks at Harebrained Schemes have treated us to an assortment of new artwork from Shadowrun Returns, and as you might have expected, it all has a strong magic-and-technology cyberpunk feel. The character poster is especially cool – here’s to…

Shadowrun Returns GenCon Report and Concept Art

The Shadowrun Returns team at Harebrained Schemes has penned a blog post on their experience at GenCon, which includes a rather interesting piece of concept art that aims to offer a first look at the intended overall appearance of the…

Shadowrun Returns Post-funding Update #27

There’s not a whole lot in the latest post-funding update to the Shadowrun Returns Kickstarter, but the folks at Harebrained promise they’ll be more frequent in their updates with the future, and also remind us of the ongoing “Nothing but…

Shadowrun Returns Wallpaper

A lot of people were apparently digging the “Renraku Skyline” concept art that Harebrained Schemes released earlier in the week, so the team has uploaded a wallpaper version for those of you looking to toss a little extra Shadowrun into…

Shadowrun Returns Concept Art

Shortly after posting update #23 on the Shadowrun Returns Kickstarter page, the team at Harebrained Schemes surprised us with the very first concept artwork from the upcoming RPG. Head on over to our image gallery for a half dozen pieces…

Shadowrun Returns Post-Funding Update #23, Video Q&A

For the twenty-third update to the Shadowrun Returns Kickstarter project, Harebrained Schemes alerts us to a new 35-minute video that they’ve uploaded to YouTube featuring both Jordan Weisman and Mitch Gitelman answering fan-submitted questions about the RPG. Topics include when…

Shadowrun Returns Post-Funding Update #21

While the latest post-funding update for Shadowrun Returns includes no game development news, the team at Harebrained Schemes is offering the first of many short story installments. Apparently the tumblr is going to update every Friday, so I’m going to…