This guide will help you complete The Extraction mission in Shadowrun: Hong Kong.
Is0bel has modified a taser to introduce Dreamland’s cortical inhibitor program into the Plastic-Faced Man’s neural network. That should stop his headware from completing a memory wipe and allow you to interrogate him for information about Raymond Black.
But first you’ll need to find him.
Kindly Cheng’s made contact with an underground information broker named Xiaozhi, who has managed to obtain the Plastic-Faced Man’s complete itinerary. With it, you can choose the time and place to perform an extraction and find out what he knows.
Xiaozhi works out of an abandoned night market in Shek Kip Mei — the Shing House Court.
— Mission Complete (Killed the Plastic-faced Man) —
The trip from Shek Kip Mei back to Heoi is quiet as you process the information revealed by the Plastic-Faced Man.
Prosperity is a name — two names, actually. One is a secret project Raymond was working on before he left for Seattle. The other is the corporate headquarters of Tsang Mechanical Services.
And Prosperity Tower is where Raymond Black is being held — alive. It’s also where his memory is in the process of being reprogrammed by his mother. And time is ticking.
The Plastic-Faced Man proved surprisingly amenable and quite useful. Before you killed him.
Your next stop is Kindly Cheng. She’ll want to hear this.
— Mission Complete (Spared the Plastic-Faced Man) —
The trip from Shek Kip Mei back to Heoi is quiet as you process the information revealed by the Plastic-Faced Man.
Prosperity is a name — two names, actually. One is a secret project Raymond was working on before he left for Seattle. The other is the corporate headquarters of Tsang Mechanical Services.
And Prosperity Tower is where Raymond Black is being held — alive. It’s also where his memory is in the process of being reprogrammed by his mother. And time is ticking.
The Plastic-Faced Man proved surprisingly amenable and quite useful. Perhaps that’s why you let him go.
Your next stop is Kindly Cheng. She’ll want to hear this, although you may leave out the part about letting him go.
Karma Points
- [2] Open the storage vault (#3).
- [10] Return to Heoi.
- [3] Have a waking dream.
After completing six shadowrunner missions, Kindly Cheng will return from a short vacation to tell you that she’s dug up some information on the Plastic-Faced Man, including his name (Lee Tai-Lung) and where to get his itinerary. She’ll also inform you that his synthetic skull includes a special cortical implant that allows him to erase his memories at will — which is a problem for you, since questioning him won’t do you any good if he doesn’t remember the things you want to know.
Is0bel will tell you that she’s familiar with a runner named Dreamland who once bypassed a similar sort of memory implant, and who might be willing to reveal the secret to you. To meet with Dreamland, you’ll need to take the MTR to her tenement building. This isn’t a mission. You’ll just have a single conversation with her.
Is0bel will automatically join you for it.
When you talk to Dreamland (aka Emilie), you’ll get various stat checks and even a bribery option, but they’re not required. No matter what you say to her, she’ll decide to help you, and you’ll end up with a
Neural Inhibitor to use against the Plastic-Faced Man. The
Neural Inhibitor looks like a weapon, but it’s not. It’s an inventory item that can only be used once (like a grenade). Luckily, it’s guaranteed to hit.
When you return to Heoi, you’ll need to take the MTR to Shek Kip Mei. But be aware: this trip will cancel any outstanding jobs you have, so you should complete those first. You’ll also need to have the
Neural Inhibitor in your inventory before proceeding. Finally, this is primarily a combat mission. You won’t be able to enter the Matrix at all, but you will be able to pick up some extra supplies if you take a rigger along.
You’ll begin the mission at the MTR station in Shek Kip Mei (#1). You won’t find much to do in the area. You can go shopping in the Emporium (#2) if you want, but otherwise you should head straight for the Shing House Court (Exit A), where the information broker Xiaozhi does her business.
When you talk to Xiaozhi (#4), you’ll discover that she’s taken a better deal with Josephine Tsang. She’ll sic her bodyguards on you, and then she’ll flee the building. If you manage to kill Xiaozhi before she escapes, then she’ll drop her Broker’s Code (00006). This will allow you to enter the storage vault (#3), where you’ll find an
Advanced Medkit,
Cram, and 258-399 nuyen. Opening the door to the vault will also net you 2 karma points.
After the battle, when you check Xiaozhi’s computer, you’ll find the Plastic-Faced Man’s complete itinerary, which will include three places where you can capture him: a parking garage, his mistress’ apartment, or a simsense theater. You’ll face the most opposition at the garage, you’ll find some loot at the apartment, and you’ll have the easiest time at the theater. If you poll your companions, they’ll be evenly split between the three choices. The locations are described below:
- Parking garage. You’ll start in the southern part of the garage, and you’ll have to deal with ten Knight Errant guards plus the Plastic-Faced Man and his corporate bodyguard (#8). You’ll encounter two of the Knight Errant guards near the entrance, four more with the Plastic-Faced Man, and then four more as reinforcements (including two from behind).
- Mistress’ apartment. When you pick this destination,
Is0bel will tell you the door code — 112798 — for the mistress’ apartment. You’ll start out in the lobby of the Fa Yuen Tower, and you’ll need to take the elevator to the third floor, where the mistress’ apartment is located. Past the front door (#6), you’ll find the mistress on one side of the apartment (#7) and the Plastic-Faced Man on the other (#8). Both will be hostile towards you. Shortly into the battle, five Knight Errant guards and the corporate bodyguard will show up from the elevators and attack you from behind — unless you’re waiting for them.
Note: The easiest way to avoid killing the mistress is to have
Duncan use his
Shock Baton against her to knock her out, and then his Subdue ability to tie her up. Nothing bad will happen if you kill her instead.
Note: If you have a rigger with you, then you can use a drone to break into the mistress’ neighbor’s apartment (#5), where you’ll find a
DocWagon Gold Trauma Kit plus some nuyen.
- Simsense theater. You’ll find the Plastic-Faced Man in the back (#8). He’ll have the corporate bodyguard with him. When the fight starts up, four HKPF officers will arrive at the theater entrance and attack you from behind. There will be lots of civilians in the theater, but unless you’re sloppy with area-effect spells or spraying weapons, they shouldn’t come under any fire. Nothing bad will happen to you if you kill some of them.
When you fight the Plastic-Faced Man, don’t kill him. If you do, then you’ll fail the mission and have to load your game. Instead, get close enough to him so you can use the
Neural Inhibitor on him. It’ll take the inhibitor three turns to work, but when it does, the Plastic-Faced Man will fall unconscious. At that point, you’ll just need to finish off the other combatants to end the battle.
After winning your battle against the Plastic-Faced Man, you’ll automatically return to the Shing House Court, and all of your companions will join you there. You’ll question the Plastic-Faced Man, and surprisingly, he’ll tell you everything that you want to know, with no coercion required. You’ll learn that Prosperity is some sort of experiment in the Walled City, and that Raymond Black is still alive — although he’s being held in Prosperity Tower, where his mother Josephine is preparing to alter his memories to make him easier to manage.
At the end of your conversation with the Plastic-Faced Man, his memory wipe will finally kick in, and you’ll have to decide what to do with him. Kindly Cheng will be happier if you kill him, but she’ll understand if you don’t, so your decision here won’t change anything in the campaign.
When you return to Heoi, you’ll earn 10 karma points for completing the mission. But before you can do anything, you’ll have a waking dream about the Walled City. You’ll see the woman from your previous dreams, and the city will turn into a giant mouth. Then you’ll wake up — with Strangler Bao preventing you from jumping in front of a train in the MTR station. This strange episode will earn you 3 additional karma points.
You won’t earn any money for completing this mission, and you won’t be able to sell its metadata to Maximum Law.
Mission Overview
1 – MTR Station
2 – The Emporium
Inside this shop, an elf named Zaak will sell you
Bliss and
Rilaxin. If you have Charisma 2, then he’ll also sell you the unique guns
Wild One, and
Yamaha Pulsar (minus any ones that you already own). This is the only place where you can get the pulsar.
3 – Storage Vault
4 – Xiaozhi
5 – Apartment 302
This apartment will start out locked. To get inside, you’ll need to send a drone into the nearby vent and then have it open the front door. When you search the apartment, you’ll find a
DocWagon Gold Trauma Kit and 300-450 nuyen.
6 – Mistress’ Apartment / Apartment 301
7 – Mistress
8 – Plastic-Faced Man
- Entrance to Shing House Court.