This guide will help you complete The Sewers mission in Shadowrun: Dragonfall.
The Sewers Map
The Sewers Walkthrough
A ghostly labyrinth of tunnels and dead-end passageways makes up the network of sewers beneath the Kreuzbasar. You climb down the ladder into this shallow underworld and reel at the wave of foul smells that washes over you, clogging your sinuses and saturating your clothing.
As your eyes adjust to the light, you find yourself standing at the edge of a narrow channel of murky gray-green water. The rush of churning water echoes down the tunnel.
You catch a flash of motion in your peripheral vision. Something man-sized, moving fast, flitting across the far end of the tunnel. You strain your eyes to see it, but to no avail. The thing — whatever it is — is gone.
— Mission Conclusion —
The fresh air of the Kreuzbasar is a welcome relief after your time in the sewers. A cool breeze drifts across the street, carrying with it the smells of food being prepared, cheap alcohol being poured, and fires being lit against the cold.
The stench of the sewers, however, still lingers in your nose, a bad olfactory aftertaste. At least the pumps are working again — sewage overflowing into the streets would certainly smell far worse.
Karma Points
- [1] Help the ghouls (#8).
- [4] Exit the sewers after fixing the pumps (Exit A).
- [3] Tell the Maintenance Worker about Viktor and give him Viktor’s manual.
This mission will be available right from the start of Act 2. You’ll meet a Maintenance Worker next to a sewer entrance in the Kreuzbasar. He’ll tell you that something is wrong with the sewers — probably somebody just needs to restart the pumps — only when his partner Viktor went down there to do the job, he started screaming — until he suddenly stopped. So the Maintenance Worker will offer you 500 nuyen to go down there and take care of the problem yourself.
Inside the sewers, you’ll start out with two objectives: to get the pumps started again, and to find out what happened to Viktor. You’ll solve the latter mystery almost right away, as you’ll discover Viktor’s body near the entrance (#3). When you search his remains, you’ll find a Pump & Turbine Maintenance manual, which will give you the Maintenance Guy’s Code (822896) when you flip through it.
To start the pumps, you’ll have to do two things:
- Activate a turbine (#4). To learn that the turbine has stopped, you’ll need to read about it at the Pump 1 Status Console (#1). Then to start the turbine, you’ll need to enter its authorization code, or you’ll need to bypass the code using Decking 4, or you’ll need to have a decker in your party. You’ll find the authorization code (822896) on Viktor’s corpse (#3).
However, after starting the turbine, you’ll get attacked by four feral ghouls, each with 60 hit points. The ghouls will deal melee damage, and they’ll also cause an infection that will inflict 2 damage per round. The infection means magical healing won’t be of much use here.
The best way to deal with the ghouls is to block the bridge leading to the room you’re in. Put
Glory plus your next toughest character there (maybe
Eiger with her shotgun), and position them side-by-side to prevent the ghouls from passing through. This way, only your blockers will take damage, and the rest of your team will be safe.
With the ghouls blocked, you’ll just need to kill them one by one, and then heal everyone up using
Glory’s medkits. You’ll only have two fights in this mission — with this one being the toughest — so you can use all of your medkits at this point if you need to, plus your grenades, if you’re confident you can blast the ghouls without also hitting your blockers.
- Use the Operations Control Terminal (#5). When you approach this terminal, you’ll get attacked by four more feral ghouls, only this time they’ll be more separated, making them easier to defeat. The first two ghouls will come at you from the west, and they’ll reach you during the first round. The other two ghouls will come at you from the south, but they’ll take three rounds to arrive. So you should be able to defeat (or at least almost defeat) the first pair of ghouls before the second pair arrives.
After the battle, you’ll be able to interact with the terminal. Assuming you’ve already activated the turbine (#4), the terminal will allow you to start both pumps, which will make the sewers operational again.
After fixing the sewers, the locked northern door (#8) will open, and a ghoul will come out. Unlike the feral ghouls, this one will talk to you, and he’ll ask you not to shoot. If you listen to him, then he’ll tell you that the non-feral ghouls in the sewers had a deal in place with
Monika and Dr. Ezkibel, where the doctor would donate medical waste for them to eat, and in return they’d maintain the sewer pumps. But you’ll learn that with
Monika gone, the doctor has reneged, which has caused the feral ghouls to become so aggressive that the non-feral ghouls can’t even leave their apartment, let alone take care of the sewers.
You’ll have three ways to solve the plight of the non-feral ghouls:
- You can kill the ghouls (they won’t put up any resistance) or you can send them away. These solutions are quick and easy, but they won’t gain you anything.
- You can offer to talk to Dr. Ezkibel. The non-feral ghoul will tell you that he has a commlink set up in his apartment (#9), and that it’s connected directly to Dr. Ezkibel’s cyberclinic. When you click on the commlink, you’ll start a conversation with the doctor, and you’ll be given three ways to proceed:
- You can pay for the ghouls’ food yourself. Dr. Ezkibel will demand 1000 nuyen, but with the Shadowrunner or Socialite etiquette, you can reduce this amount to 600 nuyen.
- You can set up a bartering system, where the ghouls will have to do “odd jobs” for the doctor to continue getting food.
- You can threaten or blackmail the doctor, and he’ll agree to start sending food again.
Note: No matter which solution you choose, Dr. Ezkibel’s attitude towards you — and his prices — will remain the same when you visit him again in the Kreuzbasar.
When you return to the non-feral ghoul, if you picked the bartering solution, then he won’t be happy, and you won’t get a reward. But if you picked one of the other solutions, then he’ll be all smiles, and you’ll receive 1 karma point for your services
To complete the mission, you’ll just need to exit the sewers (via Exit A). When you do, you’ll earn 4 karma points. Then when you talk to the Maintenance Worker who gave you the mission, he’ll pay you 500 nuyen for completing the job. If you let him know that Viktor is dead, and hand over the Pump & Turbine Maintenance manual, then you’ll also receive 3 karma points.
Note: When you exit the sewers, you won’t be able to return, so be sure you’ve dealt with Dr. Ezkibel and the non-feral ghouls before leaving.
Mission Overview
1 – Status Consoles
These consoles will give you some information about what’s wrong with the pumps in the sewers.
2 – Mangled Bodies and Bones
3 – Viktor’s Body
4 – Turbine
5 – Operations Control Terminal
6 – Locker
This locker will only become lootable after the second ghoul attack (#5). Inside, you’ll find
7 – Money
On the floor here, you’ll find 130-200 nuyen (the amount is random).
8 – Locked Door
9 – Commlink
- Entrance.