This guide will help you navigate the second Kreuzbasar intermission in Shadowrun: Dragonfall.
The Kreuzbasar (2) Map
The Kreuzbasar (2) Walkthrough
Your team makes its way back to the nearest U-Bahn station. Twenty minutes later, you’re on a return trip to the Kreuzbasar, leaving the filth of Drogenkippe far behind. But the image of Green Winters’ twisted corpse continues to linger in your mind.
You lift one of the discs that you pulled from Winters’ safe to the light. Reflections dance off of its surface.
With luck, you’ll soon have the answers that you’ve been looking for.
Karma Points
- [1] Talk to Altug after previously eavesdropping on his data taps (#12).
When you return to the Kreuzbasar (via Exit A), you’ll find the district much as you left it. Everybody will be standing in the same place, and shopkeepers will have the same merchandise for sale. However, some characters will have new things to say to you, and others will provide special interactions:
- Altug Burakgazi (#12). If earlier you overheard a conversation while resetting his data taps, and if you told him about it, then you’ll earn 1 karma point when you return to him now.
- Dr. Ezkibel (#6). If you picked up Schematic: Auto-Injector (Hyper) during the previous mission, then you’ll be able to hand it over to Ezkibel, and he’ll add
Auto-Injector (Hyper) to his wares. Also, if earlier you asked Ezkibel to analyze a sample of
Flash, then he’ll give you the results — that it’s simply
Cram mixed with sugar.
- Zaak Flash (#5). If you picked up Drug Formula (Jazz) during the previous mission, then you’ll be able to hand it over to Zaak, and he’ll add
Jazz to his wares.
- Maliit Holyey (#13). If you picked up the Broken Drone during the previous mission, then you’ll be able to hand it over to Holyey, and she’ll take a look at it. After completing your next mission, when you return to Holyey, she’ll give you a Fixed Drone, but she’ll tell you that it was heavily modified so it only accepts commands from its owner. You’ll find the owner the next time you enter your safehouse (#14) and talk to
Blitz. He’ll admit that the drone is his, and you’ll be able to present it to him. This will give
Blitz the drone Max. There isn’t any way to keep the drone for yourself.
When you return to your safehouse (#14), you’ll be able to have new conversations with all of your companions, including
Blitz if you recruited him. You should always talk to your companions in between missions so you’ll learn more about their history and eventually unlock their quest. At this point, you should also be able to level up all of your companions (minus
Blitz) by clicking on the arrow in the lower right-hand corner of the interface.
It’s also a good idea to check out the Mission Computer in the safehouse. You’ll find a couple of new BBS threads there, plus the paydata for the Antiquities Delivery Schedule, assuming you posted it earlier. The paydata will earn you 495 nuyen.
Finally, you should report in to Paul Amsel. When you show him the Bundle of Old Discs, he’ll inform you that they’re ancient storage devices called DVDs, and he’ll send you to Maliit Holyey to see if she can do anything with them. When you talk to Holyey (#13), she’ll hand you an Ancient Monitor, and she’ll recommend that you go to the junkyard to find a DVD reader.
At the junkyard (#7), you’ll meet Schrotty Buchman. He’ll try to get you to pay 500 nuyen for a DVD Player. If you complain about the price, then he’ll lower it to 350. If you follow that up by using Charisma 3, then he’ll cut the price in half to 175. You can also use Strength 4 to get the DVD Player for free (this will make Shrotty mad at you, but you won’t have any more dealings with him in the game, so it won’t make any difference). Lastly, you can ask Shrotty if he’ll take anything in trade, and he’ll mention the Turkish Coffee sold by Altug at Cafe Cezve (#12). The coffee will only cost you 50 nuyen, so it’s the cheapest of the payment options.
When you return to Paul with the Ancient Monitor and the DVD Player, he’ll set everything up and let you press “play.” The videos on the disc will show you some things of interest: that Adrian Vauclair didn’t really kill Feuerschwinge (track 1), that Green Winters was Adrian’s brother (track 2), and that everyone who has investigated Feuerschwinge has either died or “changed” (tracks 5 and 6).
After watching the DVD, you’ll realize that you’re now involved in the matter, and that as someone who knows too much, your days might be numbered. Paul will suggest that you do exactly what Winters had been doing — search for Adrian Vauclair — and he’ll give you Amsel’s Encoded Credstick (with 10,000 nuyen on it) so you can meet with an information broker named Alice.
To contact Alice, you’ll need to enter the western U-Bahn station (Exit A) and click on the train there. This will take you to a different platform — the “rabbit hole” — where you’ll discover a working arcade machine. When you plug Paul’s credstick into it, you’ll come face-to-face with Alice.
When you tell Alice that you want her to find Vauclair, she’ll sound confident that she can get the job done, but she’ll tell you that the service will cost you 50,000 nuyen. You won’t have any choice in the matter, and complaining won’t help, so you’ll have to accept the deal.
Note: With Decking 4, you’ll be able to speculate on who Alice might be, but this won’t lead to anything.
Another Note: In the bathroom next to the arcade machine, you’ll find
When you return to Paul (#14), he’ll recommend that you use the Mission Computer to look for jobs so you can raise Alice’s fee. On the computer, you’ll find information on three missions (two in the jobs directory and one in new messages): False Flag (Samuel Beckenbauer’s job), Loose Ends (Herr Fuch’s job), and Trial Run (Luca Duerr’s job). Then outside the safehouse, you’ll meet a maintenance worker next to the sewers (Exit B). He’ll have a job for you, too: The Sewers.
These jobs can be completed in any order, but we’d recommend completing them from easiest to most difficult — that is, The Sewers, Trial Run, Loose Ends, and then False Flag. Having Charisma 3 and Decking 4 is useful for these missions. You can hire runners to go along with you on these missions, but your companions are free, so they’re the best choice.
Mission Overview
1 – Samuel Beckenbauer
If during the previous mission you convinced Silke to give up
Cram, then you’ll be able to ask Beckenbauer how she’s doing, and he’ll give her a favorable review. He’ll also accept more donations, this time to stock the shelter’s library. If you eventually donate as much as possible to Beckenbauer, then he’ll name the shelter after you, and you’ll see a sign to that effect.
2 – Laine
If you talk to Laine, then you’ll learn how he lost his legs.
3 – Der Weinkeller
Inside this bar, you’ll meet a runner named Lucky Strike. She’ll have a few less-than-laudatory things to say about
Monika, and she’ll question how
Monika could have been an anarchist and yet still acted as the undisputed leader of your team. Lucky Strike is one of the runners you can hire for missions.
4 – Simmy
If you talk to Simmy, then you’ll learn that she’s changed the channel from The Sound of Music to The Terminator. Later on, she’ll also try out Annie and Aliens.
5 – Zaak Flash (Drugs)
6 – Triage Cyberclinic (Cyberware and Healing)
7 – Junkyard / Shrotty
8 – Gunari Mettbach (Weapons)
9 – Dancer
10 – Talismonger’s Shop (Spells)
11 – Kami
If you talk to Kami here, then you’ll learn a little more about her and Altug Burakgazi (#12).
12 – Cafe Cezve / Altug
13 – Maliit Holyey (Decking and Rigging)
14 – Safehouse
- U-Bahn platform.
- Sewers.
- U-Bahn platform.