This guide will help you navigate The Kreuzbasar intermission in Shadowrun: Dragonfall.
The Kreuzbasar Map
The Kreuzbasar Walkthrough
Kreuzberg. Home to nearly a half a million people and, until very recently, Monika Schafer. Once a melting pot of cultural diversity, it’s now a chaotic mess of wealth and poverty, crime and commerce, anarchy and control. It’s also home to your own little slice of Berlin, a neighborhood that locals call “the Kreuzbasar” — a safe port in the eye of a storm.
The ride back to the Kreuzbasar is quiet. No one is in a talking mood. As the van veers past potholes and garbage piles, the glare of streetlights and neon signs plays across your window, painting the world in a kaleidoscope of garish colors.
Soon, the van rounds a corner and skids to a halt in a narrow, crumbling alley. This is as far as Berlin’s chaotic streets will take you. Your team wordlessly debarks the vehicle and climbs down into a disused section of the U-Bahn tunnel system — a well-kept secret, providing your team safe passage into the Kreuzbasar.
Your safehouse waits on the other side.
Karma Points
- [5] Talk to Paul Amsel about your ill-fated mission (#1).
- [1] Withstand Absinthe’s gaze (#6).
You’ll begin this mission at an abandoned U-Bahn platform. All you’ll be able to do there is climb a ladder, which will take you to your safehouse (#1). When you arrive, you’ll meet Paul Amsel, your fixer. It won’t take long to fill him in on what happened during your run, which will lead to
Eiger blaming you personally for
Monika’s death. But Amsel will calm things down, and you’ll learn a couple of things of interest:
- That Feuerschwinge (aka the Firewing) was a Great Dragon who went on a rampage when it Awakened 40 years ago, killing tens of thousands of people before it was put down by Dr. Adrian Vauclair and the Luftwaffe in the SOX (Saar-Lorraine-Luxembourg Special Administrative Zone). The killing of Feuerschwinge was called the Dragonfall.
- That
Monika (not Amsel) accepted your disastrous mission from an activist named Green Winters.
At the conclusion of your conversation, Amsel will suggest that you meet with Altug Burakgazi at Cafe Cezve (#3) to learn more about Winters. This will earn you 5 karma points.
While you’re still in the safehouse, you should talk to all of your companions, plus
Monika’s dog
Dante. You won’t get much out of your companions at this point, but you should keep talking to them every chance you get. Eventually, you’ll unlock their side quests. Meanwhile, if you’re friendly to
Dante, then he’ll begin following your around, and (much) later in the game he’ll become available as a companion.
As you explore the Kreuzbasar, you’ll meet some merchants (#2, #6, #8, #9, #10) and some people looking for news about
Monika (#4, #13, #14). You’ll also discover a strange phone booth (#11) that will eventually lead you to earning some money.
When you enter Cafe Cezve (#3), you’ll meet Altug Burakgazi, the owner. When you tell him that Paul Amsel sent you, he’ll send his niece Kami to fetch your information. While you’re waiting, Altug will ask you to complete a small task for him. If you have Charisma 3, then you’ll be able to demand payment for the job, and you’ll receive 100 nuyen. Otherwise, you’ll have to complete the task for free.
To complete Altug’s task, you’ll need to wander around the Kreuzbasar and reset three data taps (#5). On the third one, you’ll overhear some people talking. If you listen to their conversation — involving
Monika, the basar, and a mysterious council — and tell Altug about it when you return to him, then when you talk to Altug again after your next mission, you’ll earn 1 karma point.
After completing Altug’s task, if you question that his taps are really a “public service,” and if you have Decking 1, then you’ll be able to squeeze some money out of him: 300 nuyen with Decking 3, 150 nuyen with Charisma 3, or 100 nuyen otherwise. Regardless, at the end of your conversation, Altug will hand you Altug’s Memory Stick.
When you take the memory stick to Paul in your safehouse (#1), you’ll learn that Green Winters is currently hiding in a hotel in the Drogenkippe district. Eiger will want to leave right away, but Paul will stop her and announce that everyone has decided that you should be the leader of the team.
Eiger won’t like this, but she’ll go along with the decision.
As leader, Paul will give you access to the Mission Computer, which you’ll find in the next room. Using the computer, you’ll be able to find jobs for your team, read BBS conversations (including one about
Blitz, who you’ll meet soon), post paydata on the BBS, and read
Monika’s personal files. All you’ll be able to do at this point is post the paydata for the Antiquities Delivery Schedule, assuming you picked it up during the previous mission. It will earn you 495 nuyen the next time you’re in the Kreuzbasar.
To complete the mission, you’ll just need to exit the safehouse and head to one of the U-Bahn platforms (Exit A or B), where you’ll find a train that will take you to Drogenkippe. In later missions, you’ll be able to choose your team, but for the next mission, you’ll have to take
Eiger and
Note: It’s useful to have Intelligence 3 in the next mission.
Mission Overview
1 – Safehouse
2 – Maliit Holyey
Holyey will have lots of tech items for sale: decks, programs, ESPs and drones.
3 – Cafe Cezve
Inside this cafe, you’ll meet Jan Goldschmidt, a long-time customer who apparently enjoys being insulted, and Altug Burakgazi, the owner. Altug will sell you soycaf for 5 nuyen and Turkish Coffee for 50 nuyen. The soycaf is a waste of money, but you’ll later need coffee for a task. Altug is also is involved in the main mission (see above).
4 – David
When you talk to David, he’ll ask you about
Monika. You can either tell him the sad news yourself, or you can send him to Paul Amsel. It won’t make any difference which you pick.
5 – Data Taps
6 – Talismonger’s Shop
Despite the name, this is actually Aljernon’s shop (and you might remember Aljernon from Shadowrun Returns). When you first go in, you’ll meet Absinthe behind the counter. She’ll accidentally draw you into her “daydream.” With Willpower 4 (or later Willpower 6), you’ll be able to break free of her spell, which will earn you 1 karma point. Otherwise, you’ll suffer some pain and discomfort, but nothing permanent.
After your encounter with Absinthe, you’ll be allowed to talk to Aljernon. He won’t reveal much about Absinthe, but he’ll sell you spells and fetishes.
7 – Dancer
You can tip the dancer here if you want (by picking up her bag), but you won’t gain anything from it.
8 – Gunari Mettbach
Mettbach will sell you a variety of weapons, including some with smartlink technology (which requires a
Datajack but gives slightly better accuracy). He won’t say anything interesting to you if you buy a weapon, but you’ll probably want to make a purchase anyway. If you make Mettbach mad, then just talk to him again to start over.
9 – Zaak Flash
Zaak will sell you
Kamikaze and
Nitro. If you have Biotech 3, and if you ask him about the bandages on his hands, then you’ll eventually figure out that he’s not really an elf. If you blackmail Zaak to keep his secret, then he’ll give you
Flash plus 50 nuyen. If you don’t blackmail him, then he’ll give you
10 – Triage Cyberclinic
Inside this clinic, you’ll meet Dr. Xabier Ezkibel. He’ll sell you medical supplies and cyberware. If you have
Flash from Zaak Flash (#9), then you’ll be able to give it to Ezkibel for analysis, and he’ll later tell you that it’s just
Cram mixed with sugar.
Note: You’ll never be able to open the locked door in the clinic.
Another Note: The first time you enter the cyberclinic, Dr. Ezkibel will be talking on his commlink. If you listen in, then you’ll overhear a conversation related to the mission The Sewers.
11 – Phone Booth
If you answer the phone here, then you’ll learn about the Schockwellenreiter, an organization that “liberates” information, and how their previous contact (probably Monika) is no longer available. No matter how you respond, you’ll be told to watch out for other telephone booths during your travels, and to relay the information they request back to this one.
The Shockwellenreiter will give you three tasks during the campaign (during Bloodline, False Flag, and MKVI), and they’ll reward you with karma points and money when you deliver what they want. Plus, if you complete at least two of their tasks, then they’ll give you an
Adrenal Contractor for free.
12 – Statue
If you interact with the statue here, then a monitor will pop up, and through it you’ll be able to learn more about the statue (a tribute to anarchy) and its creator (Herbert Kunzel).
13 – Simmy
When you talk to Simmy, you’ll learn that she’s hooked on a BTL for The Sound of Music. If you want to, you can tell her that
Monika is dead, although this will hardly drive her towards accepting reality.
14 – Aleksi Laine
Laine is a nice, old troll with a pair of ancient cyberware legs. He’ll ask you about
Monika, but he’ll already sort of know the answer before you can respond.
15 – Samuel Beckenbauer
Beckenbauer runs the nearby shelter. If you talk to him, then you’ll learn about his philanthropic activities, which will give you a chance to donate money to him. Making donations to Beckenbauer won’t earn you any sort of tangible reward, but they’ll have a role-playing effect later.
- U-Bahn platform.
- U-Bahn platform.