This guide will help you complete The Drug Pit mission in Shadowrun: Dragonfall.
The Drug Pit Map
The Drug Pit Walkthrough
Das Kesselhaus Hotel & Nightclub. Crown jewel of Drogenkippe, the filthiest kiez in Berlin.
Opening the door to the ground-level dance club is like bashing your head into a wall of sound. Flashing lights stab your eyes, and the air is perfumed with cheap synthohol and engine grease. Everything in here is cranked up to 11. A playground for the numb.
Green Winters is somewhere in this building. You steel yourself for the sensory assault and step inside. The team makes a quick check of their weapons and follows you into Das Kesselhaus.
Karma Points
- [1] Give Silke her things (#2).
- [2] Convince Silke to give up Cram (#2).
- [1] Tell the cook to move the body into the walk-in fridge (#14).
- [1] Loot the vault (#26).
- [8] Complete the mission (given in the Kreuzbasar).
You’ll enter the hotel on the club level (Exit A). A troll bouncer (#1) will be blocking your way. To get him to move, you’ll just need to talk to him. He’ll show you where the bar is. If you press him for more information — using Summoning 3, Strength 5, the Gang etiquette, or a 200 nuyen bribe — then he’ll direct you to Frank, the floor manager. You’ll need somebody to point out Frank — otherwise you won’t be able to talk to him — but other people will do this for free. So don’t waste your time or money on the bouncer.
When you approach the bar (#2), you’ll witness a conversation between Silke and Kroner the bartender. Silke will try to score some Cram from Kroner, but she won’t have any money on her, and Kroner won’t allow her to go up to her room to get some more. So the ever-friendly Kroner will suggest that she pay with “services.” When you talk to Silke, you’ll be able to do two things:
- If you give Silke some
Cram (available from Kroner) or 150 nuyen, or if you offer to retrieve her things from her room, then she’ll agree to answer your questions. Silke will then reveal some interesting information: that Frank controls the elevator, that Frank has a thing for Silke’s friend Sara, that Floor 2 houses the hotel’s security forces, and that there’s a mysterious vault in the penthouse.
If you accept Silke’s quest to retrieve her things, then at the end of the conversation, she’ll let you know that she lives in room 304. Inside that room (#18), you’ll find Silke’s Encoded Credstick, Silke’s Signed Cookbook, and Silke’s Teddy Bear. When you give these items to Silke, you’ll receive 1 karma point in return. With Charisma 3, you can also get 100 nuyen as a reward.
- You can try to convince Silke to give up
Cram. To do this, you’ll need to pass two out of four dialogue checks for Charisma 3, Intelligence 3, Biotech 1, and the street etiquette. If you’re successful, then Silke will heed your words, and she’ll agree to visit Samuel Beckenbauer’s shelter in the Kreuzbasar. This will earn you 2 karma points.
To reach the upper floors of the hotel, you’ll need to gain access to the elevator (Exit A). There are three basic ways to do this:
- With Drone Control 3, you can interact with the panel next to the elevator (#3) to open the elevator door.
- You can convince Frank (#5) to open up the elevator. To do this, you’ll need Intelligence 3 (plus the knowledge from Silke at #2 that Frank likes Sara), the Corporate etiquette, the Gang etiquette, or a 200 nuyen bribe. If you use the Sara method, and if you have Charisma 5, then you’ll be able to trick Frank out of 200 nuyen, too.
- You can attack Frank — plus three goons, an enforcer, and the bouncer (plus possibly Kroner the bartender if you’re feeling especially violent). When Frank dies, he’ll drop the Hotel Elevator Key, which will allow you to open up the elevator. However, at the end of the battle, lots of people, including Silke (#2), will flee the club. This will cost you at least 1 karma point.
Note: To interact with Frank, you’ll need somebody to point him out to you. Everybody in the club can do this — the bouncer, the party girl, Silke, and Kroner the bartender — but only Kroner will do this without any sort of fuss or bribe.
With the elevator (Exit B) under your control, you’ll be able to explore the top five levels of the hotel. Most of this space is optional but rewarding. Please refer to the annotations below for details. You’ll only need to do two things:
- Find out where Green Winters is staying. For this, you’ll have to go to Floor 2, fight some security forces (#10), and then look up Green Winters at the Hotel Administration Terminal (#11). You’ll learn that Winters is staying in Room 405, and that the code for the room is 1989.
- Meet with Green Winters. When you enter Room 405 (#22), you’ll find Winters lying dead on the floor, looking a lot like Monika did at the end of The Harfeld Manor Run. When you examine the corpse, you’ll see that Winters wrote some numbers on the floor using his own blood. This will give you Mysterious Numbers (91612).
When you look around the room, you’ll notice two paintings on the wall. Behind one of them, you’ll discover a safe — which of course will require a five-digit code to open. The Mysterious Numbers will do the trick. Inside the safe, you’ll find a Bundle of Old Discs. When you take them, the vidphone in the room will start ringing.
On the phone, you’ll meet
Blitz, a decker. He’ll make you a deal. If you help him to escape from the hotel, then he’ll get you into the vault in the penthouse. This is an optional part of the mission but it’s certainly worthwhile, as you’ll earn some loot and a karma point, plus get
Blitz as a companion. But if you decide that you’ve done enough, then you can leave the hotel at any time (via Exit A) to complete the mission.
If you decide to help
Blitz, then you should meet with him in Room 505 on the penthouse level (#23). He’ll tell you that the vault can be found just around the corner in Room 502, and then he’ll begin following you. As you make your way to the vault, you’ll get attacked by three goons. Luckily, you’ll have plenty of cover to hide behind, plus an extra runner on your team, and so defeating the enemies shouldn’t be too difficult.
When you enter Room 502 (#25), another fight will break out. This one will be tougher, as you’ll encounter an auto turret (with 50 hit points), a steel lynx drone (60 hit points), and an enraged troll (70 hit points). If you have Drone Control 3, then you’ll be able to interact with an electrical panel by the door to self-destruct the two automated enemies, leaving only the troll against you. Without that advantage, you might be better off fighting in the hallway where the turret can’t see you.
After the battle, you should enter the vault (#26). Inside, you’ll find
Bliss, a Broken Drone, a Drug Formula (Jazz),
Nitro, and 1400-1500 nuyen (the amount is random). Looting all of these items will earn you 1 karma point. The drone will end up going to
Blitz, and the formula will allow Zaak Flash in the Kreuzbasar to sell
To complete the mission, you’ll just need to exit the hotel (via Exit A). Nobody will try to stop you. At the exit,
Blitz will offer you his decking services. If you accept him, then he’ll become a companion. If you reject him, then you’ll never see him again. Even if you’re playing a decker, you should accept
Blitz, just for his bonus mission if nothing else.
Mission Overview
1 – Bouncer
2 – Bar
You’ll meet Kroner and Silke here. Kroner will sell you
Cram. Silke will give you two ways to earn karma (see the walkthrough above).
3 – Electrical Panel
4 – Party Girl
If you give the girl here some
Cram, then she’ll talk to you and point out Frank (#5), but otherwise she’ll just blabber away and not say anything useful.
5 – Frank
6 – Room 101
Inside this room, you’ll find 200 -350 nuyen (the amount is random), plus a terminal linked to a safe. To open the safe, you’ll need to enter the terminal’s password, or use Decking 2 to bypass the password. The password is “naperville.” The only (obscure) clue for this is the Chicago poster on the wall (Naperville is suburb of Chicago). Inside the safe, you’ll find an
Ares Predator (Smartlink).
7 – Maintenance Closet
This closet will start out locked. You’ll need the Maintenance Key Fob (from #12) to open the door. Inside, you’ll find 40-100 nuyen (the amount is random).
Note: “Wartung” means “maintenance” in German.
8 – Broken Wall / Room 103
With Strength 3, you’ll be able to break open this wall enough so you can pass through. If you’re not strong enough to do the job yourself, then you can have your “muscle” (aka
Eiger) do it for you. Inside the room, you’ll find a diary that will give you the Floor 3 Bathroom Code (2478).
9 – Room 106
Inside this room, you’ll find a
BuMoNA Trauma Kit.
10 – Lounge
You’ll have to fight five goons inside this room — two right away and then three more as they run in from adjacent rooms. The goons will have grenades, so don’t keep your team clumped together. The yellow barrel in the room will explode if you destroy it, which is a convenient way to damage lots of goons at once, provided they’re nice enough to stand next to it.
11 – Computer Room
You’ll find the Hotel Administration Terminal in this room. It’ll let you look up hotel occupants by name or by room number. There’s only one occupant who is important to you: Green Winters. When you look him up, you’ll learn that he lives in Room 405. You’ll also find an attached note that will give you the Room 405 Code (1989).
You can also unlock Admin Services on the terminal if you can figure out the password. There aren’t any clues for this. The password is “admin.” This option will give you a list of the hotel’s occupants, including a few living in rooms that don’t exist (like Sheila Sunrise in Room 121).
12 – Bathroom
Inside this room, you’ll find a Maintenance Key Fob, which will get you into all of the maintenance rooms in the hotel (#7, #15, #21).
13 – Locked Door
You’ll only be able to unlock this door by dropping down behind it (via Exit C).
14 – Kitchen
When you enter this kitchen (via Exit C), you’ll meet a scared cook. If you have Intelligence 3, then you’ll be able to tell him to move his dead co-worker into the walk-in refrigerator next door. This will earn you 1 karma point. The cook will also give you the Room 401 Code (5870).
15 – Maintenance Closet
This closet will start out locked. You’ll need the Maintenance Key Fob (from #12) to get its door open. Inside, you’ll find
16 – Room 302
Inside this room, you’ll encounter a hostile scorpyrine. It’ll deal area-effect poison damage, and you won’t get anything for killing it, so it’s best to avoid the room altogether.
17 – Bathroom
This room will start out locked. To open it, you’ll need to enter the code 2478 (learned from the diary at #8). Inside the room, you’ll find
18 – Room 304
Inside this room, you’ll find Silke’s Encoded Credstick, Silke’s Signed Cookbook, and Silke’s Teddy Bear. You’ll need to return these items to Silke (#2).
19 – Room 305
In the back of this room, you’ll find a big hole in the floor (Exit C). If you jump down, then you’ll end up in the locked part of Floor 2.
20 – Room 401
This room will start out locked. To open it, you’ll need its keycode (5870), which you can learn from the cook on Floor 2 (#14). Inside the room, you’ll get attacked by an Organlegger and his two helpers, but afterwards you’ll find an
Advanced Medkit and a Schematic: Auto-Injector (Hyper). The schematic will allow Dr. Ezkibel to sell the
Auto-Injector (Hyper) in his cyberclinic in the Kreuzbasar.
21 – Maintenance Closet
This closet will start out locked. You’ll need the Maintenance Key Fob (from #12) to get its door open. Inside, you’ll find a
Cavalier Frag Grenade.
22 – Room 405
This room will start out locked. To get it open, you’ll need its keycode (1989), which you can learn from the Hotel Administration Terminal on Floor 2 (#11). Inside the room, you’ll find the remains of Green Winters. Looting the Bundle of Old Discs from his safe will complete the main part of the mission and introduce you to
23 – Room 506
This room will start out locked. You’ll only be able to enter it after talking to
Blitz (#22). Inside, you’ll meet
24 – Room 501
Inside this room, you’ll find an
Advanced Drone Repair Kit.
25 – Room 502
You’ll only be able to enter this room if you’re working with
26 – Vault
- Entrance.
- Elevator.
- Hole. This hole will allow you to drop down into the locked part of Floor 2.