This guide will help you complete the MKVI mission in Shadowrun: Dragonfall.
MKVI Walkthrough
Monolithic. Plastic. Sterile. The Berlin office of AG Chemie Europa is all of these things and more. The worst qualities of modern corporate culture, all mixed into a toxic stew and sluiced into a single prefab office building.
Thankfully, you shouldn’t have to stay long. According to the intel that your client provided, this should be a simple smash-and-grab operation, and you’ve been given the tools to carry it out with a minimum of fuss.
The MKVI Prototype — whatever it is — is waiting for you on the 25th floor. It’s time to go and get it.
— Mission Mid-Point —
The elevator whisks you upward, toward the executive-level 25th floor. As expected, the run has been relatively smooth sailing so far. A chime breaks the silence as the elevator glides to a stop.
The MKVI is somewhere on this floor. All that you have to do is find it.
— Mission Conclusion —
The U-Bahn feels especially cramped on your ride back to the Kreuzbasar. In your mind’s eye, you can still see the carnage that you left behind at the AG Chemie building. Memories replay themselves over and over in your mind — fleeting visions of a hulking thing made of muscle and chrome.
You put them aside. Shelve them for later. The job is over; it’s time to collect your pay.
Karma Points
- [3] Safely decontaminate the laboratory (#5).
- [2] Deliver information to the Schockwellenreiter.
- [10] Complete the mission.
After completing the mission False Flag or Loose Ends, you’ll receive a new job offer on your Mission Computer called “MKVI Prototype Extraction.” When you read the attached transcript, you’ll see that “Herr Schmidt” wants you to steal a prototype of some sort from AG Chemie Europa. If you accept the deal, then you’ll receive a Little Black Box, which will help you during the mission.
When you arrive at the AG Chemie Europa building, you’ll start out in the Parking Garage. Nearby, you’ll spot a maintenance console (#3), and when you insert the Little Black Box into it, the building will lose power, and you’ll gain access to the main elevator (Exit A), which will allow you to ascend to the 24th Floor.
On your way to the elevator, if you passed your Trial Run with the Lodge, then Luca Duerr will call you, and he’ll ask you to steal the prototype for him instead of Schmidt. If you want, you can reveal this change of plans to your team, or you can stay silent, and it won’t make any difference.
When you arrive on the 24th Floor, you’ll automatically tap into the building’s security cameras, which will allow you to see the layout of the current level — and also see that nobody is around. This will give you a chance to explore without distraction, which you should take advantage of. You’ll find some useful items to loot (#4, #8, #11), you can fulfill a request for the Schockwellenreiter (#8), and you can even earn some karma points for decontaminating a lab (#5).
But eventually, you’ll need to make your way to the executive elevator (Exit B), which is the only way to reach the 25th Floor. The elevator will require you to know the code 84792. You can get hints for this code from the elevator’s console and from a hearth spirit (#10), or you can just learn the code in its entirety from a note in Stromberg’s office (#9).
Note: Make sure you’ve done everything you want to do on the 24th Floor before going up to the 25th Floor. Lots of doors on the 24th Floor will close and lock when you leave.
When you reach the 25th Floor, you’ll find it to be just as empty as the 24th Floor, but as you make your way to the prototype, the power will come back on in the building, and you’ll lose your access to the security feeds. This is a hint that combat will soon be coming your way.
You’ll find the prototype in the final room of the 25th Floor (#12). To take control of it, you’ll just need to interact with the control console next to it. The console will call the prototype a “cyberzombie.” If you have Spellcasting 1 or Conjuring 1, plus Willpower 5, or if you have
Glory with you, then you’ll realize that the troll at the heart of the prototype is still alive and conscious — and wants to die. More importantly, if you or a companion has Drone Control 4, then you’ll be able to rig right into the prototype, which will give it 4 AP instead of 3. At the end of the set-up procedure, the prototype will begin following you just like a companion.
When you head back towards the elevator, you’ll run into your first collection of security guards. No matter what you say to them, a fight will start up. From this point on in the mission, you’ll have to do a lot of fighting, and there isn’t any clever way to skip the battles. You’ll just have to take down a couple dozen security guards as you make your way back to the main elevator (Exit A).
Of note, some of the security teams will have a rigger with them. If the rigger spots the prototype, then he’ll try to take it over. You’ll then have one round to kill the rigger before he can complete the procedure. If the rigger succeeds, then the prototype will become an enemy until the rigger dies. So whenever you see a rigger, spare no expense to make him dead, quick.
Otherwise, you’ll just need to grind your way through the combat, healing as necessary in between battles. The prototype, whether it has 3 or 4 AP, will be your best friend. It’ll mow down enemies with its
Prototype Monofilament Axe and
Vanquisher Minigun, and you’ll just need to support it with your team. If you have
Eiger with you, then she’ll be pretty useful with her sniper rifle, as the 24th Floor in particular will have enough wide open spaces for her to be able to attack from long range.
Note: While escaping from the building, you might want to return to the security room (#11). You’ll need Decking 3 to open the door, and you’ll face four guards inside, but you’ll also find a jack-in point for the matrix, where you’ll be able to regain access to the security cameras.
When you eventually return to the Parking Garage, you’ll have to decide what to do about the prototype. You’ll have three options for this:
- You can give the living prototype to Herr Schmidt (by clicking on the pest control van).
- If you’re working with the Lodge, then you can give the living prototype to them (by clicking on the armored van).
- You can kill the prototype, or let it kill itself (by clicking on it), and then give it to Herr Schmidt (by clicking on the pest control van).
Regardless of your choice, when you return to the Kreuzbasar, you’ll receive 10 karma points. Then when you check the Mission Computer in your safehouse, you’ll receive 3750 nuyen for yourself and 11,250 nuyen for your Alice fund — always paid by Herr Schmidt, even if you killed the prototype or sent it to the Lodge.
You can also pick up some other rewards. If you sent the prototype to the Lodge, then when you visit Luca Duerr in Cafe Cezve, you’ll receive 2000 nuyen. If you collected the information for the Schockwellenreiter, then when you deliver it to the phone booth, you’ll receive 1000 nuyen and 2 karma points. You can also sell the Islay Scotch (or Cheap Booze) to Altug in Cafe Cezve for 400-500 (or 10) nuyen, and the
Mossberg CMDT (Smartlink) to anybody for 325 nuyen.
Mission Overview
1 – Medical Supplies Box
Inside this box, you’ll find an
Advanced Medkit.
2 – Crate
When you examine this crate, you’ll see that it belongs to “Project Atlas.”
3 – Maintenance Console
4 – Sealed Laboratory
This lab will start out locked. You’ll be able to open it up using the terminal in the observation room (#5). Inside the lab, you’ll discover a terminal with notes about “Formula 17,” you’ll learn that 54139 is the door code for Stromberg’s office (#9), and you find an
Advanced Medkit and
5 – Observation Room
From the console in this room, you’ll learn that the adjacent laboratory (#4) has been sealed because it contains phosgene gas (aka Carbonic Dichloride, COCl2), which is toxic. If you have Biotech 4, then you’ll “remember” that ammonia neutralizes phosgene. You’ll have two ways to make the lab safe to visit:
- With Decking 5, you can simply purge the toxic air into the atmosphere. Using this method won’t earn you a reward.
- If you learned about ammonia (from the Biotech option above, or by looking up phosgene gas in the data store, #6), then you can use it (but not sodium bicarbonate) to neutralize the contaminant. This will earn you 2 karma points, plus another karma point when you manually disengage the lockdown.
6 – Data Store
Inside this room, you’ll find a digital archive terminal, which will allow you make lots of searches:
- Phosgene (COCl2). You’ll learn that phosgene gas can be neutralized by ammonia (NH3) or sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3). You might need this information in the observation room (#5).
- Atlas, MKVI, and Formula 17. These searches will teach you about Project Atlas, and also give you the information you need for the Schockwellenreiter (see #8).
- Albrecht Haushofer, Annika Schroeder, and Lennart Stromberg. These searches will give you background information on some of the people working on the 24th and 25th Floors.
7 – Maintenance Room
Inside this room, you’ll find a
Basic Medkit.
8 – Werner Harrdegger’s Office
Inside this office, you’ll discover a terminal with a message from the Schockwellenreiter. They’ll request three pieces of information about Project Atlas. All three can be found by performing the right searches on the terminal in the data store (#6):
- Chemical Formula. To learn this, search for “Formula 17” and then download the result. You find out about Formula 17 in the sealed lab (#4).
- Project Data. To learn this, search for “MKVI” or “Atlas” and then download the result.
- Visual Records. To learn this, search for “MKVI” or “Atlas” and then access and copy the visual record.
To make these searches, you’ll either need an executive code — that is, Stromberg’s code (54139), learned in the sealed lab (#4) — or you’ll need a VIP code — that is, Haushofer’s code (84792), learned in Stromberg’s office (#9). Or you can just use Haushofer’s code for everything. If you don’t know the codes, then you can also use Decking 5 in place of the executive code, and Decking 6 in place of the VIP code. You’ll earn 1000 nuyen and 2 karma points if you send the information to the Schockwellenreiter when you return to the Kreuzbasar.
Also in the office, you’ll find some bottles of alcohol at a bar. If you have the Socialite etiquette, then you’ll be able to liberate some expensive Islay Scotch, which Altug Burakgazi in the Kreuzbasar will buy for 400 (or 500 with Charisma 4) nuyen. Otherwise, you’ll only get Cheap Booze, which will net you 10 nuyen.
9 – Lennart Stromberg’s Office
This office will start out locked. To open it, you’ll need to use the door code 54139. With Conjuring 1 or Spellcasting 1, you can get a hint from the door console that the code includes the numbers 1, 3, 4, 5, and 9 (which would give you 120 possibilities to try out). Or you can just read the note in the sealed lab (#4) to learn the code.
Inside the office, you’ll learn Albrecht Haushofer’s code (84792), and you’ll find an empty folder about Project Atlas.
10 – Hearth Spirit
With Summoning 1, you’ll be able to talk to a Hearth Spirit here. It’ll tell you that the code for the executive elevator (Exit B) was written on a parchment, but that the parchment was subsequently burnt and discarded. You’ll find the remains of the note in the Maintenance Room (#7). It’ll reveal that the first three digits of the code are 847.
The spirit will also discuss the prototype on the 25th Floor, describing it with phrases like “a foul cloud of wrongness and death” and “a twisted nexus of pain and loathing.”
11 – Security Room
Inside this room, you’ll encounter five AGC security guards, including a conjurer and a mage. Most of the guards will have grenades, so you’ll probably have an easier time fighting them in the hallway rather than bunched up in the room. If you can defeat the guards, then you’ll be able to loot a
Mossberg CMDT (Smartlink) from a gun rack.
Note: If you don’t loot the shotgun on your first visit to the 24th Floor, it won’t be there when you make your return.
12 – Prototype
- Main elevator.
- Executive elevator.