This guide will help you complete the Hard Times mission in Shadowrun: Dragonfall.
Hard Times Map
Hard Times Walkthrough
It is a short train ride to Gesundbrunnen. You exit the subway car, stepping onto the old, grungy platform. The place is deserted, though signs of life are everywhere. A gaping hole in the ceiling filters cool, hazy light in from above. To your right, a small plot of crops struggles to endure in the cold and the limited light of the station. Trash and junk litter the platform. It’s clear this place hasn’t had anything resembling a janitorial staff in quite some time.
Somewhere in this old, run-down U-Bahn station lies the entrance to Gesundbrunnen kiez, and hopefully some leads on the whereabouts of the Rabengeister and Gunari’s missing shipment.
— Mission Conclusion —
You emerge from the U -Bahn station and out onto the familiar streets of the Kreuzbasar. The energy here is a stark contrast to the weary, slowly-drowning mood of Gesundbrunnen. The Kreuzberg is an island of hope, afloat still amidst the dangerous currents of the Flux State. But it wouldn’t take much for it to capsize.
It’s time to find Gunari and tell him the news.
Karma Points
- [1] Give a Cold One to the Ork Guard (#1).
- [4] Complete the mission.
At some point early in Act 2, you’ll receive a message from Gunari Mettbach on the Mission Computer. When you go over to talk to him, he’ll tell you that a gang called the Rabengeister has been hijacking shipments meant for the Kreuzbasar, but that he hid a tracking device in the last one, and so he knows that they’re hiding in Gesundbrunnen. He’ll then ask you to deal with the gang and get his goods back.
Note: You’ll only be able to take one companion with you for this mission. If you’re diplomatic, then your companion won’t need to do anything. Otherwise, you’ll have to do some fighting, and so you should bring your best combat companion (
Eiger is a good choice).
When you reach Gesundbrunnen, you’ll start out at a U-Bahn platform (Exit A). As you explore the area, you’ll eventually come to a pair of guards (#1), who will ask you what you’re up to. If you lie — using the Charisma 5 option or not — then they’ll let you pass. But if you mention the Rabengeister gang, then they’ll block your way, and you’ll have four ways to get past them: you can bribe them 100 nuyen (they’ll demand 400, but 100 will work), you can intimidate them with Strength 6, you can charm them with Charisma 4, or you can attack them. Nobody in the rest of the district will notice if you attack the guards, but they’re involved in a way to earn a karma point, so it’s best to leave them alive.
In the Market (reached via Exit B), you’ll meet some people that you can talk to (#2, #3, #6) or shop with (#4, #5). Most will pretend that the Rabengeister gang resides somewhere else. Only the scared shopkeeper (#5) will give you a hint. He’ll tell you to look near the information kiosk.
Next to the kiosk (#7), you’ll spot some scuff marks on the ground (#8). When you examine them, you’ll realize that there must be a hidden door in the wall. There are three ways to get that door open:
- If you or your companion has Strength 5, then you’ll just be able to open it.
- You can use the information kiosk (#7) to enter the door’s pass code: “Schinderhannes.” Quorin (#2) will mention this name to you, and you can also get it from the Scrap of Paper dropped by the Militia Captain (#6), if you choose to fight her.
- After spotting the scuff marks, you can confront the Militia Captain (#6) about them, and she’ll insist that you accompany her to the Hideout.
When you reach the Hideout (via Exit C), you’ll find Quorin and a Militiaman there (#9) — plus possibly the militia troops from the Market, if they escorted you down. Quorin will tell you that he’s the leader of the Rabengeister gang, and he’ll freely admit that he stole supplies intended for the Kreuzbasar. Moreover, he’ll let you know that he’s not giving them back. You’ll have at most two ways to respond:
- You can attack Quorin and his men. If you fought the militia troops in the Market, then this will be your only choice. If you didn’t fight the militia troops, then whatever you do, don’t go to the Hideout with them, or else you’ll have to deal with Quorin, the Militiaman, and the militia troops from the Market in this battle, which will probably go poorly for you.
After the battle, you’ll find Quorin’s Keys on the ground. They’ll get you into a barracks area (#10), where you’ll find a terminal. The terminal will list where the gang hid their supplies, including the shipment intended for Gunari Mettbach. You’ll automatically forward this information to him.
Note: If you leave the militia troops in the Market when you fight Quorin in the Hideout, then they won’t realize what you’ve done when you return to the Market, and they’ve leave you be.
Another Note: For a slightly easier battle against Quorin, when you first talk to him, select the “I just saw you upstairs” option. This will allow you to attack first while Quorin is engrossed in the conversation.
- You can negotiate with Quorin. You’ll have two basic options for this:
- With Charisma 4, you can offer to work with the Rabengeister gang — either allowing them to use Altug Burakgazi’s wire taps (if you have Decking 4) or giving them free rations (otherwise) — in exchange for them leaving your shipments alone, and also telling you where to find Mettbach’s shipment.
- Otherwise, you’ll only be able to leave the Rabengeister gang alone. They’ll agree to stop raiding shipments meant for the Kreuzbasar, but they’ll keep Mettbach’s shipment.
After successfully negotiating with Quorin, you’ll be able to speak to the Militiaman in the Hideout with him. The Militiaman will be in a good mood, and he’ll give you a Cold One. If you take this beer to the Ork Guard at the entrance (#1), then you’ll earn a karma point.
When you return to the Kreuzbasar (via Exit A), you’ll earn 4 karma points for completing the mission. Mettbach will be happy with your work, and he’ll pay you 500 nuyen. If you found his missing shipment and arranged for it to be returned to him, then he’ll also have new wares for sale.
Mission Overview
1 – Guards
2 – Quorin
If you ask Quorin about the Rabengeister, then he’ll tell you that they’ve been spotted pretty much everywhere except in this district. He’ll also tell you the legend of Schinderhannes, a bandit who was considered a hero. Later you’ll learn that Quorin is the leader of the Rabengeister.
3 – Goldfish
Goldfish will chat with you while drinking at the bar here, but nothing will come of the conversation.
4 – Odd Merchant
This merchant will have some weapons and grenades for sale, including the ever-popular
Slapdash Pistol. If you comment on the pistol, nothing will come of it, even if you use the Intelligence 4 option.
5 – Scared Shopkeeper
This shopkeeper will have two
Basic Medkits, a
Force 1 Earth Elemental Fetish, and
Nitro for sale. If you have Biotech 4, or if you examine the Kreuzbasar crate behind him and ask him about it, then he’ll tell you that the Rabengeister can be found somewhere near the information kiosk on the western side of the market (#7). If you follow that up by informing the shopkeeper that he’s selling goods meant for your district, and demand payment, then he’ll hand over 400 nuyen, but he’ll stop acting like a merchant, and the militia in the Market will attack you. The battle against the militia will likely be tough, and by fighting them you’ll lose a potential karma point, so it’s best to let the shopkeeper keep his money.
Note: “Geschaft” means “shop” in German.
6 – Militia Captain
8 – Scuff Marks
9 – Quorin Again
10 – Barracks
- Train car.
- Ladder.
- Ladder.