This guide will help you complete the Down the Rabbit Hole and Beneath the Kreuzbasar missions in Shadowrun: Dragonfall.
Down the Rabbit Hole and Beneath the Kreuzbasar Map
Down the Rabbit Hole and Beneath the Kreuzbasar Walkthrough
The tiny credstick feels heavy in your pocket, fat with the weight of hard-won nuyen. The U-Bahn station swallows you up and sends you hurtling down the rabbit hole. Towards Alice. Towards the information you’ve bled for.
The train pulls to a stop and the doors hiss open to the dark, old platform.
With luck, answers lie ahead.
— Mission Midpoint —
You and your team descend into the sewers, footsteps echoing off of the damp stone walls. You barely notice the smell — there’s no time to waste. Audran’s team of mercenaries is down here somewhere, racing to plant their explosive charges beneath the kiez.
The fate of the Kreuzbasar is in your hands.
— Mission Complete —
You emerge from the foulness of the sewers only to be met with the equally dark stench of cordite and death. Although you’ve saved the kiez, it is far from unharmed. Residents wander the streets dazed, holding their wounds, tending to others, observing the damage. The look in their eyes tells the story — their illusion of safety has been shattered.
You enter Paul Amsel’s trade emporium already knowing what you’ll find there. The knowledge doesn’t make the discovery any easier.
Karma Points
- [8] Complete the mission.
After accumulating over 50,000 nuyen in your Alice fund, when you attempt to transfer Alice’s fee to a credstick at the Mission Computer, you’ll see that a password is required. When you ask Paul Amsel about this, he’ll inform you that the password is “volklingen” — but at the same time, he’ll give you a warning. He’ll tell you that paying Alice will put you on a one-way path towards confronting Feuerschwinge, which means you won’t be able to complete any more side missions. So before proceeding, you should finish up anything that you still want to do.
With password in hand, when you go back to the Mission Computer, you’ll be able to create the credstick. This will give you Alice’s Payment in your mission inventory. Any money you had in your Alice fund over 50,000 nuyen will go to your personal account. If you completed every possible mission, then this will be 8,000 nuyen. Shopkeepers will update their wares at the end of the mission, so you should wait until then to buy anything.
When you return to Alice’s U-Bahn platform — aka the Rabbit Hole — you’ll once again find her arcade machine waiting for you. When you insert the credstick into it, you’ll get a message from Alice letting you that that something “terrible” is tracking her, and that she’s gone into hiding. But she’ll still provide you with an Optical Chip containing the information you paid for.
On your way back to the Kreuzbasar, you’ll get a call from Paul. It’ll show you the ork Audran interrogating and murdering him, and then preparing to eliminate the rest of your team. When you arrive at the Kreuzbasar U-Bahn platform, you’ll find
Eiger there with a couple of dead mercenaries around her. When you talk to her, she’ll join you, and you’ll gain +1 AP.
When you exit the U-Bahn platform (Exit A), you’ll immediately encounter three mercenaries. But
Dante will be attacking them, and you’ll discover that he’s actually a hellhound who can “chomp,” petrify, and cast a couple of fire spells. If you were nice to him during the campaign, then he’ll join you. Otherwise, if you ignored him, then he’ll attack you, and you’ll have to kill him.
Beyond this point, the Kreuzbasar will mostly be quiet. You won’t see any civilians around, the shops will be closed, and while you’ll be able to enter your safehouse (#1), all you’ll be able to do there is look at Paul’s corpse. So you’ll just need to scour through the district, rescuing your teammates and defeating any mercenaries you come across. You’ll find
Dietrich near Cafe Cezve (#2) and
Glory near the Schockwellenreiter phone booth (#3).
Blitz (if you recruited him) will be hiding with Maliit Holyey somewhere wreaking havoc on the mercenaries’ communication channels.
When you have your team back together, you’ll learn that the mercenaries were spotted taking bombs down into the Sewers. When you follow them down there (via Exit B), you’ll discover that they’ve planted three bombs (#4), and that you’ll only have 11 turns to defuse them. Luckily, the Sewers aren’t very big, and the interface will show you exactly where the bombs are, so it shouldn’t take you long to reach your objectives. You’ll encounter a handful of mercenaries at each bomb.
Some useful tips for this sequence include:
- Anybody can defuse the bombs, even drones.
- You don’t need to defeat the mercenaries before defusing the bombs.
- You can split up your team to deal with multiple bombs at once. This is especially effective if you have
Dante with you (since in that case you’ll have five total characters).
- Depending on how you played the mission The Sewers, you might have ghouls helping you out. They won’t do a lot, but they’ll at least provide a distraction.
After taking care of the mercenaries and their bombs, when you exit the Sewers, you’ll earn 8 karma points, and you’ll automatically travel to your safehouse (#1), where you’ll hold a short ceremony for Paul. Then you’ll play Alice’s Optical Chip, and you’ll learn that Vauclair is being held in — wait for it — Harfeld Manor, where you started the campaign.
You’ll also learn that Feuerschwinge got ahold of a project called APEX, which uses an AI to proactively guard against deckers who might pose a problem, like
Monika, Winters, and countless others. Luckily, Alice will tell you that she found a backdoor into APEX, located in the basement of a long-abandoned Saeder-Krupp research lab, and so you’ll decide to go there next.
Before heading out, you might want to take a walk through the Kreuzbasar. You’ll hear about a few people dying — like Kami, Jan Goldschmidt, the dancer, and possibly Simmy (if you ignored her) — you’ll find that all of the shopkeepers have new wares for sale, and, if you donated money to Samuel Beckenbauer, then you’ll learn that his refurbished shelter was able to save “dozens of lives” (including Silke’s). You should also be able to advance all of your companions to level 6.
When you’re ready to take on APEX, just enter one of the U-Bahn platforms (Exit A, C) and click on the train car.
Missions Overview
1 – Safehouse
2 – Dietrich
3 – Glory
4 – Bombs
- U-Bahn platform.
- Sewer entrance.
- U-Bahn platform.