Rust Console Patch 1.53 is live; Fixed Bradly, Monument Fixes, and Game Improvements

As announced earlier in the month, the newest Rust Console Patch (1.53) brings bug fixes and quality-of-life improvements to most game areas. Here is a full breakdown of the fixes and changes:

Most Important Fixes

  • Rockets fired by Bradley APCs and Attack Helicopters now move at the correct speeds.
  • Removed collision from the debris of broken barrels.
  • Throwing items at shallow angles will no longer make them disappear.
  • Scientist Fixes:
    • Scientists will no longer continue shooting at killed players who respawn nearby and out of sight.
    • Reduced the distance it takes for Scientists to stop being aggressive toward players.
    • Scientists will no longer target players out of their range.

Item Fixes

  • C4 no longer disappears when thrown on objects
  • Reduced the firing effect when using a Holosight at night time
  • Swapping one item of clothing with another when the inventory is full will no longer cause the original item to be lost.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause Incendiary Ammo to continue to damage killed players after they respawn.
  • Partial fix for Sheet Metal building blocks appearing completely white from a distance.
  • Frog Boots are back in the Clothing section of the crafting menu.
  • Using a Wooden Ladder, players can no longer clip through floors or ceilings.
  • Multiple Wooden Ladders can no longer be deployed on top of each other.
  • Partial fix for black shadows on ceilings when the Campfire is lit.
  • Driving a boat no longer triggers Auto Equip for the active Hotbar slot when Auto Equip is turned on in the Options Menu.

Monument Fixes

  • Fixed players being able to clip through vents at various monuments.
  • Fixed force crouching at Cargo Ship, Dome, and Water Treatment Plant.
  • Fixed an issue causing players to clip through ceilings on the Cargo Ship.
  • Players are no longer blocked from traveling through the vents at the Launch Site.
  • Players can now only sleep for up to 30 minutes inside a Safe Zone; then, they are automatically killed.
  • The Small Oil Refinery at the Outpost can be used to make Low-Grade Fuel again.
  • Fixed texture issues at the Airfield.

UI Fixes

  • Fixed an issue with the death screen map soft-locking the game.
  • Fixed an issue with the In-game map preventing the UI from being interactable.
  • The Demolish option is now greyed out on the Hammer’s building/upgrade menu after 10 minutes, instead of being hidden. This ensures the menu options are always in the same position.
  • The death screen no longer shows incorrect information when you are killed by a Scientist or Bandit.
  • Fixed an issue that soft-locked the Tech Tree.
  • The map icon for the Locked Crate now disappears when the crate has been looted, or when it despawns.
  • Fixed various text localization issues.


A new section was added to the patch notes this month, covering what issues they are aware of and are in the process of fixing for the next patch.

  • In-game exploits.
  • Scientist aggro range.
  • Scientist shooting at Outpost.
  • Scientists not losing their target after the player dies.
  • Silent footsteps while using Frog Boots.
  • A player becomes hostile after being attacked by another player in the outpost.
  • Under the map prevention issues.
  • Double sound issue.
  • Sound crash when on boats or big gun fights.

The developers also made this statement:

Some issues that you perceive as major may not be present in this list, even with the team being aware of them. Worry not, we will get to them and fix them! The bullet points above are our priority list.

Rust Console Team

They also asked players aware of any other bugs that aren’t getting enough attention to join the official discord and report any bugs. It can be found here

For more information on the patch notes, please read the complete information here. As always, survivors, stay rusty!

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An avid Rust player with 4000 hours in the game. My hobbies include cooking, baking, and camping!

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