Risen Reviews

Three more English reviews covering both the PC and Xbox 360 versions of Risen are online and awaiting your scrutiny.

Hooked Gamers slaps the PC version with an 8.5/10:

Risen provides the player with hours upon hours of role-playing goodness. A sign that you are playing a great game is when it becomes more difficult to put it aside for a couple of hours and this was certainly the case with Risen. There is always someone who needs a hand or a cave or temple to be explored. I often found myself thinking “I’ll just finish this quest and then I’ll…”, and then had my wife tell me it was time for bed several hours later. So, here is some sage advice to those considering buying this game: place a clock on your desk, right next to your screen or suffer sleep deprivation. You have been warned.

Orange thinks a 7/10 is fair for the 360 version:

There are a few other issues which span the platforms, such as poor voice acting and too-similar character designs. The epicness of Risen’s size and scope overcomes most of our gripes, though, and on the PC this could be a 9 out of 10 but since we reviewed the game on the Xbox 360, our score reflects the failure to implement console-friendly interface and controls.

And Britxbox goes with a slightly lower 6/10:

In terms of content, Risen is nothing to scoff at. There are a good few hundred quests available, a whole bunch of items to either find or forge and, on occasion, you’ll come up against a genuine moral dilemma. It may not be pretty and may not feel at home on the console but if you honestly haven’t had enough of the genre you’ll perhaps be able to overlook the foibles and enjoy what Risen has to offer. Even if it does feel stretched.

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