Risen Preview

TeamXbox has kicked up their own preview of the Xbox 360 version of Risen, courtesy of a hands-on demonstration given to them by producer Thorsten Flügel.

The game is expected to be a deep one, also. Flügel indicated that a game should last about 30 hours, though with two paths that you can take either as the rebel bandits baddies or the white-hat Inquisition there’s incentive to undertake a second playthrough to get the full experience. You have the ability to manually save at spots, but the game also auto-saves frequently, so you won’t risk losing much progress if you run into trouble.

Combat is pretty simple, with the main functions being an attack with your current weapon coming from a Right Trigger pull, while the Left Trigger handles blocking with your equipped shield. Additionally, once you build up your character a bit, you’ll be able to map different things to the face buttons, such as spells, potion use, scrolls and more.

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