Todd Carson, Champions: Return to Arms


Are there any plans to expand the item system in Return to Arms if so, could you give us some examples?

Definitely. We are adding hundreds of weapons and shields, including throwing weapons. There are also about 100 new pieces of armor for each of the existing characters and of course the two new races will have much more.

One of the main complaints of the Multiplayer setup in Champions of Norrath was the inability to join games that were already in progress. Has this been remedied in Return to Arms?

Players will not be able to join games that are already in progress. However, we are making some very significant changes to the lobby for online play. It will now be much easier to find a game that is on par with what you are looking for. Players will be able to chat, maintain a Friends list, switch characters, and view other players’ information before starting an online game.

What other changes have been made to the multiplayer experience?

The biggest change to the multiplayer experience is that we are working on enabling Server Side Saves. By allowing players to save their characters on our servers we think much of the exploitation will be eliminated from the game and removing the confusion of saving over single player games. We have also made some engine enhancements that help stabilize the frame rate of the multiplayer game.

Does Return to Arms refine the controls of the first game?

We feel that the control scheme fits exactly how our player base wanted it, so instead we have focused our time working on new features and online enhancements.

Do you plan on including any more vehicles like those found in Champions of Norrath?

With most of Return to Arms taking place within the Planes we felt that vehicles did not really fit in with these levels.


Are there plans to include new spells that EQ players will identify with (Spirit of the Wolf, etc.)?

There will be new abilities that EQ players can identify with; Shadow Step, Berserker Rage, and Resurrection to name a few. We will also have many returning abilities that EQ players can relate to like Root, Slam, Dual Wield, Riposte, Holy Armor, Minor Healing, Lifetap and Harmtouch.


What are some of the changes being made from the first to the second and are there any features you’re particularly proud about? Player versus Player action will definitely be a lot of fun. We are also very excited about the Medal rounds. Medal rounds are mini games that you unlock after completing each mission. Each Medal round will have a different scenario and requirement where you can earn up to 3 medals. When the player earns a medal they will be unlocking secrets within the game, including new maps, side quests, and new items.


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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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