Pools of Darkness

SSI Gold Box/Silver Box Series Retrospectives

The nostalgic fellows at World 1-1 have been busy cranking out retrospectives for many of the AD&D-based titles that SSI developed during the late 80s and early 90s, and while the list isn’t entirely complete, they’ve definitely shone a spotlight…

Joel Billings Video Interview, Part Four

The fourth and final installment to Matt Barton’s video interview with SSI president Joel Billings is now available as Matt Chat #188, with this particular episode focusing on the “tough situation” they were in thanks to Electronic Arts’ 20% stake…

Joel Billings Video Interview, Part Three

The third and latest part of Matt Barton’s interview with SSI’s Joel Billings deals with the developer’s Gold Box RPG series, which was apparently pitched as a series ever since they asked for the D&D license. During the course of…

Joel Billings Video Interview, Part Two

Matt Barton has published the second part of his Joel Billings interview (you can find the first part here). This time it covers SSI’s rise to prominence thanks to publishing and their own internal titles, how the market has changed…

Joel Billings Video Interview, Part One

Our friend Matt Barton managed to track down Strategic Simulations, Inc. founder Joel Billings for a lengthy video interview, the first 28 minutes of which are now available as part of Matt Chat episode 181. While a significant portion of…

Forgotten Ruins: The Roots of CRPGs – SSI

Bitmob is taking a stab at spotlighting the 30-year history of computer role-playing games in a new series of retrospectives they’ve labeled “Forgotten Ruins”, with the very first installment covering the vast catalogue of excellent RPGs that was developed and…