Drow Slave Pits – Pools of Darkness Location

In this guide, you’ll find a walkthrough for an area in the Realms Dimension part of Pools of Darkness. To help you to navigate this area, a map, and legend are provided. There are more detailed notes for each point in the map legend at the bottom of the overview section.

Pools of Darkness drow slave pits map

1 – Arrows
2 – Silk
3 – Drow Guards
4 – Drow Guards
5 – Drow Guards
6 – Drow Prison Guards
7 – Prison Cells
8 – Alchemist’s Laboratory
9 – Essence of Pure Light
10 – Locked Chest
11 – Map
12 – Barracks
13 – Safe Room
14 – Spider Battle
15 – Pet Battle
16 – Temple
17 – Archway Room
18 – Spike-Filled Pit
19 – Teleporter Room
20 – Iron Golem
21 – Fire of Night


  1. Exit to the Drow Stronghold.
  2. Secret entrance to Kalistes’ Temple.


The Drow Slave Pits is an optional area located underneath Zhentil Keep (via Manshoon’s Tower and the Drow Stronghold). Inside, you’ll be able to help Silk (#2) rescue some of her comrades (#7), and you’ll be able to disrupt the drows’ mechanism for creating Pets of Kalistes (at #21). Completing the area will also give you access to a secret entrance into Kalistes’ Temple.

1 – Arrows

If you look or search at these locations, then you’ll notice tiny gray arrows that will point you to Silk (#2).

2 – Silk

When you enter this room, a drow woman will motion you inside. If you attack her then she’ll disappear. If you approach her then she’ll introduce herself as Silk, leader of the Swanmays, and she’ll tell you Journal Entry 73. She’ll then ask you to help her rescue the Swanmays and the citizens of Zhentil Keep who have been captured by the drow. If you agree, then she’ll join your party.

Silk is a level 12/19 Fighter/Thief with so-so stats and equipment. She’ll stay with you until you rescue the Swanmays (#7) or leave the Slave Pits.

Silk’s room is safe to rest in.

3 – Drow Guards

If you approach one of these spots with Silk (#2) in your party, then she’ll tell you that the Swanmays are in the prison to the east (#7), and she’ll ask you to turn around. If you don’t then she’ll leave your party. If you approach the western set of guards after helping Silk, then they’ll allow you to pass without a fight (although you can still fight them if you want). Otherwise, the guards will attack you, and you’ll have to battle Driders, Drow Priestesses, Drow Sorcerers, and Drow Sorceresses.

4 – Drow Guards

These drow guards are just like the other drow guards (#3) except that they’ll attack you no matter what.

5 – Drow Guards

In this room you’ll face a Drow Champion, seven Drow Sorcerers, and a Drow Sorceress. After the battle you’ll find Boots of Speed, a Cloak of Protection +4, and Ring Mail +4. You’ll also notice a letter that you’ll record as Journal Entry 71.

6 – Drow Prison Guards

In this room you’ll face two Drow Priestesses, four Drow Sorcerers, and two Drow Sorceresses. After the battle you’ll find a ring of keys that will allow you to unlock the cells to the west (#7).

7 – Prison Cells

In one of these cells you’ll find the imprisoned Swanmays. They’ll quickly gather all of the other prisoners, and they’ll take them to Zhentil Keep. If Silk is in your party, then she’ll thank you for your help, which you’ll record as Journal Entry 89, and she’ll give you Drow Chain +3, three Drow Long Swords +3, and two scrolls. Then she’ll leave your party.

Note: Drow equipment will be useful later (when you travel to Kalistes’ Dimension), so it’s a good idea to hang onto Silk’s reward.

8 – Alchemist’s Laboratory

When you enter this lab, you’ll witness some Drow Sorcerers preparing to drain the soul of a Zhentil woman named Liil. If you wait, then the mages will succeed and the woman will die after talking to you. If you attack right away then she’ll survive. Either way, you’ll have to battle four Drow Sorcerers, three Pets of Kalistes, and two Stone Spiders. Afterwards, the woman will tell you about Essence of Pure Light (#9) and how it can be used to destroy Fire of Night (#21), which the drow are using to create new Pets of Kalistes.

9 – Essence of Pure Light

If you look or search at this spot, then you’ll find Essence of Pure Light, a quest item that won’t show up in your inventory.

10 – Locked Chest

You’ll discover a locked chest here. If you can pick it or knock it open, then inside you’ll find an iron medallion. The medallion will allow you to pass by a Large Iron Golem (#20).

11 – Map

If you search or look at this spot, then you’ll find a map, which you’ll record as Journal Entry 5. The map will tell you how to get through two traps in the area (#17 and #19).

12 – Barracks

In this room you’ll have to fight three Driders, two Drow Priestesses, four Drow Sorcerers, and two Drow Sorceresses.

13 – Safe Room

This room is safe to rest in.

14 – Spider Battle

In this room you’ll get attacked by a host of spiders, including Electric Spiders, Enormous Spiders, Giant Spiders, and Phase Spiders.

15 – Pet Battle

In this room you’ll find three Pets of Kalistes in a trance. If you enter the room then they’ll attack you.

16 – Temple

When you enter the temple, you’ll witness a ritual in process. If you “attack” (or “flee” and come back), then you’ll have to battle three Drow Priests, three Drow Sorceresses, a Drow Wizard, and a Gaze Spider. If you wait, then the drow will finish their ritual, which will transform the Gaze Spider into a Pet of Kalistes, and they’ll leave the temple. However, you’ll still have to fight them later when you reach the Fire of Night (#21). When you do eventually fight the drow, you’ll find 10 Darts +4 and Ring Mail +4 after the battle.

17 – Archway Room

When you enter this room, you’ll notice sparks of lightning dancing between the archways. If you go through the “wrong” archways, then you’ll take about 10 points of lightning damage. The “right” path is shown on the map above. You can learn this route from a map in the area (#11).

18 – Spike-Filled Pit

You’ll discover a spiked-filled pit in this room. If you helped Silk (#2), then you’ll cross the bridge over the spikes safely. Otherwise you might take some damage.

19 – Teleporter Room

You’ll discover several teleporters in this room. If you step onto the “wrong” ones, then a single missile will strike your party and inflict minimal damage. If you step onto the “right” ones, then you’ll be taken to the exit from the room. The safest route is shown on the map above. You can learn this route from a map in the area (#11).

20 – Iron Golem

A Large Iron Golem will confront you in this room. If you have the iron medallion from earlier in the area (#10), then the golem will shy away from you and allow you to pass. Otherwise, you’ll have to fight it.

21 – Fire of Night

In this room you’ll discover the drow’s Fire of Night, which you can destroy using Essence of Pure Light (#9). If you waited in the temple (#16), then you’ll have to fight the temple drow here, only with a Pet of Kalistes now instead of a Gaze Spider. Destroying the Fire of Night will earn you some xp and allow you to move around in the room without taking any damage.

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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
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