Wealthy District – Pool of Radiance

This guide will help you navigate New Phlan’s Wealthy District in Pool of Radiance.

Wealthy District Map

pr wealthy districtmap

Area Note

At random locations in this area you’ll encounter “four orcs whose shields bear a black hand on a red field.” If you kill the orcs, they’ll drop six leather holy symbols. You might need the symbols to enter the Temple of Bane.

After you’ve defeated Mace in the Temple of Bane, you’ll be able to rest in this area without being interrupted.

1 – Dead Bodies

If you’re in “search” mode when you discover the bodies, then you’ll also find three jewels.

2 – Goblin Slaves

If you let them go, they’ll tell you, “To enter the temple you need a holy symbol of Bane.”

3 – Trap Door

If you’re in “search” mode when you enter the room, you should discover a trap door. Inside you’ll find a clerical scroll, a potion of extra healing, and a ring of feather falling.

Note: You might be attacked by orcs here. The attack can also come at #7 (and perhaps elsewhere).

4 – Crushed Skeleton

You can find three jewels on the skeleton.

5 – Tapestry

You can take a tapestry here. Tapestries sell for about 100 gold coins.

6 – Piece of Paper

You’ll find a piece of paper on the floor of the room (journal entry 53).

7 – Orc Battle

The battle can also occur at #3 (and perhaps elsewhere).

8 – Orc Guards

9 – Message

The message reads: “North wall. Ri__t front glas_. SE” We have no idea what this message means.

10 – Hay Beds

If you search the beds then you’ll be attacked by orcs. You won’t find anything in the beds except “lice and hair.” Ewww.


A. Gate to the Wilderness / Boat.
B. Gate to Kovel Mansion.
C. Gate to the Temple of Bane.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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