The Old Queen and the New King – Pillars of Eternity Quest

This guide is for a particular side quest in Pillars of Eternity during Act 3. The guide has a walkthrough of the area, and a map with a legend.


1 – Locked Door
2 – Einden
3 – Desthwn
4 – Locked Door
5 – Thorny Vines
6 – Sul and Irensi
7 – Oernos and Einden


You can receive this quest from one of two places: from Galawain inside Teir Evron in Elm’s Reach, or from Desthwn inside Galawain’s Maw in Oldsong (#3).


Regardless of who gives you the quest, you’ll learn that a champion must be chosen in Galawain’s Maw, and that there are two candidates: the reigning queen, a cunning lioness named Sul, and the challenger king, a strong bear named Oernos. However, you’ll also learn that the two refuse to fight each other. Sul won’t leave the back of the Maw where she’s powerful, and Oernos won’t fight her where she has such an advantage. So you’ll need to get the two together or figure out a different way to settle the dispute.

Inside Galawain’s Maw, you’ll meet two people of interest: Einden (#2), who favors Oernos, and Desthwn (#3), the leader of the Fangs, who just wants a champion chosen. Einden and Desthwn will give you some background information about the affair, and Desthwn will also give you Galawain’s Maw Key, which will open a nearby door (#4).

As you move deeper into the Maw, you’ll get attacked by lions and lion clansmen, but eventually you’ll reach Sul (#6). When you do, a woman named Irensi will speak for her. Irensi will argue that Sul should not have to leave her lair to fight where Oernos has the advantage. She’ll also mention that Sul just gave birth to a cub, who will become more powerful than Sul or Oernos, and who will make a good champion in the future.

So you’ll have to make a choice:

  • If you side with Sul, then you’ll have to fight Oernos and Einden, plus some bears and bear clansmen (#7). If you’re playing a barbarian, fighter or Darcozzi Paladini paladin, then you’ll be able to convince Einden and the clansmen to leave, making the fighter easier. This option will earn you a “moderate” reputation bonus with the Fangs.

  • If you side with Oernos, then you’ll have to fight Sul and Irensi, plus some lions and lion clansmen (6). If you’re playing a druid, ranger, rogue or Bleak Walkers paladin, then you’ll be able to convince Irensi and the clansmen to leave, making the fight easier. This option will earn you a “moderate” reputation bonus with the Fangs.

  • If you decide that neither candidate is worthy, then you can kill both of them, and you’ll earn both reputation bonuses.

Regardless of your choice, Desthwn will be content, and he’ll reward you with the unique sword Cat’s Claw. You’ll also earn Galawain’s favor, which you might need for the quest Council of Stars.

1 – Locked Door

To open this door, you’ll need to pull the lever on its eastern side.

2 – Einden

3 – Desthwn

4 – Locked Door

To open this door, you’ll need the key from Desthwn (#3).

5 – Thorny Vines

You can use the vines here as a shortcut to reach Sul (#6).

6 – Sul and Irensi

7 – Oernos and Einden

Oernos and Einden will only move here after you’ve spoken to Irensi (#6).

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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
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