Sun in Shadow – Pillars of Eternity Location

This guide covers a location of Pillars of Eternity in Act 4. The guide has an overview of the area, and a map with a legend.


1 – Ashen Effigy
2 – Ashen Effigy
3 – Hidden Compartment
4 – Ashen Effigy
5 – Wael
6 – Broken Bridge
7 – Ashen Effigy
8 – Ashen Effigy
9 – Ashen Effigy
10 – Engwithan Machine


  1. Stairs leading up to Breith Eaman.
  2. Doorway between Level 1 and Level 2.


Note: Level 1 will start out very dark, but as you make your way through it, essence will pour out of you and light several lamps, allowing you to see what’s going on.

1 – Ashen Effigy

You’ll find a Ring of Searing Flames on the ashen effigy here.

2 – Ashen Effigy

You’ll find Boots of Speed on the ashen effigy here.

3 – Hidden Compartment

If you can detect the hiding place in the shoulder of the drake skeleton here, then inside it you’ll find Gauntlets of Swift Action.

4 – Ashen Effigy

You’ll find Minor Bracers of Deflection on the ashen effigy here.

5 – Wael

If you hid the book during the quest The Parable of Wael, then you’ll meet Wael here. He’ll ask you to scatter the souls captured by Thaos, to make them “new answers to new riddles.”

6 – Broken Bridge

You’ll be allowed to jump across to the other side of the bridge, but there’s a chance the character in your party with the lowest Athletics will take an injury (each time you cross).

7 – Ashen Effigy

You’ll find Camping Supplies, a Ring of Overseeing, and a Spellward Amulet on the ashen effigy here.

8 – Ashen Effigy

You’ll find a Ring of Unshackling on the ashen effigy here.

9 – Ashen Effigy

You’ll find a Broad Belt of Power on the ashen effigy here.

10 – Engwithan Machine

When you approach the machine here, you’ll finally meet Thaos, and no matter what you say to him, you’ll have to fight him. See the quest entry for Memories of the Ancients for some strategies on how to defeat him.

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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
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