Stalwart Mines / Luminescent Caves – Pillars of Eternity Location

This guide covers a location of Pillars of Eternity: The White March in Part 2. The guide has an overview of the area, and a map with a legend.


1 – Confrontation
2 – Foreman’s Quarters
3 – Sameth’s Corpse
4 – Cave-In
5 – Dead Miner
6 – Cillan
7 – Chest
8 – Common House
9 – Hidden Egg
10 – Terenat
11 – Trapped Chest


  1. Exit to Stalwart Village.
  2. Tunnel between the Stalwart Mines and the Luminescent Caves. The tunnel is a maze of sorts. To reach the Luminescent Caves, you should follow the breeze: right, right, light Torch, forward, left, right. If you have a Hammer and Chisel (#5) but not a Torch, then you can use this path instead: left, right, use Hammer and Chisel, left. There is also a treasure in the cave, hinted at by the Miner’s Note (#5): right, right, light Torch, forward, right. If you loot the treasure then you’ll receive the Comtessa’s Gage and 300 cp.


1 – Confrontation

When you first enter the mines, you’ll witness Gamel being arrested for the murder of Sameth. Then Foreman Ismey will come over to you and introduce herself. This encounter will trigger the quest Whispers in the Dark. Afterwards, Gamel and Ismey will head over to Ismey’s quarters (#2).

2 – Foreman’s Quarters

3 – Sameth’s Corpse

You’ll need to examine this corpse for the quest Whispers in the Dark.

4 – Cave-In

You’ll meet Teryc here. He’s involved in the quest Whispers in the Dark. Near Teryc in a barrel you’ll find Boots of Stability.

5 – Dead Miner

You’ll find a Miner’s Note on the corpse here. From a nearby crate you’ll also be able to pick up a Hammer and Chisel.

6 – Cillan

Cillan and her constructs are involved in the quest Whispers in the Dark. Cillan will drop a Looped Rope when she dies.

7 – Chest

Inside this chest you’ll find a Contract of Sale.

8 – Common House

When you first approach the common house, you’ll witness several vithrack (and spiders) standing around demanding to be let in. However, when they notice you they’ll attack. When you eventually reach the common house yourself, you’ll discover that a barrier is blocking you from entering it. To remove the barrier, you’ll need to pick up the Vithrack Crystal (#9). Inside the common house, you’ll meet a Radiant Spore, and you’ll have to defeat it for the quest Whispers in the Dark. You’ll also find the unique blunderbuss Silver Flash (on a table).

9 – Hidden Egg

If you can detect the egg here, then inside it you’ll find a Vithrack Crystal. You’ll need the crystal to enter the Common House (#8).

10 – Terenat

Terenat is involved in the quest Whispers in the Dark.

11 – Trapped Chest

Inside this chest you’ll find Elryn’s Jacket.

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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
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