Lle a Rhemen – Pillars of Eternity Location

This guide covers a location of Pillars of Eternity in Act 3. The guide has an overview of the area, and a map with a legend.


1 – Stone Head
2 – Stone Head
3 – Ritual Chamber
4 – Sacrificial Chamber
5 – Nridek / Sarcophagus
6 – Trapped Sarcophagus
7 – Secret Chamber


  1. Stairs up to Stormwall Gorge.
  2. Collapsed staircase. When you first arrive in Lle a Rhemen, you’ll only be able to descend here using a Rope and Grappling Hook. But once you’ve descended, you’ll be able to use the rope to climb up and down between the Upper and Lower Levels. This exit won’t be available until Act III.
  3. Web-filled tunnel. You’ll get three options for using this tunnel: a Hammer and Chisel, Might 16, or crawling through it. The first two options will work but will cause you to get attacked by spiderlings. The third option will get you through unscathed.
  4. Exit to Stormwall Gorge.


1 – Stone Head

This stone head will ask you a question. This is a part of the ritual (see #3).

2 – Stone Head

This stone head will ask you a question. This is a part of the ritual (see #3).

3 – Ritual Chamber

The first time you enter this chamber, somebody will call you a “thief” and an “invader.” This doesn’t have anything to do with the ritual. This is just Nridek (#5) yelling at you.

Inside this chamber, you’ll be able to perform a ritual that can net you a powerful spear. The ritual will involve you answering two questions from stone heads (#1, #2) and picking up two objects (both at #5). Your answer to the questions will determine the two enchantments that the ritual will place on the spear, and the two objects are necessary for creating the spear.

The first stone head (#1) will ask you to “speak the quality that defines you.” Answering…

  • “I bring people together” will give the spear the coordinating bonus (+4 accuracy when attacking the same target as an ally, +25% damage when attacking the same target as an ally).

  • “I am consistent and reliable” will give the spear the reliable bonus (+20% of grazes converted to hits).

  • “I’m bravest when things are at their worst” will give the spear the valiant bonus (+10 accuracy when below 50% endurance, +20% damage when below 50% endurance).

  • “I let nothing get in the way” will give the spear the vicious bonus (+20% damage against prone, stunned, flanked enemies).

The second stone head (#2) will ask you to “speak your ambition.” Answering…

  • “I desire resilience” will give the spear the draining bonus (20% of damage restored as endurance).

  • “I aim to become a mightier version” will give the spear the exceptional bonus (+8 accuracy, +30% damage).

  • “I would inspire those around me” will give the spear the marking bonus (+10 accuracy granted to an ally attacking the same target).

  • “I wish to subdue my foes” will give the spear the stunning bonus (attacking can stun on crits).

When you meet Nridek (#5), you’ll have to kill him so you can loot the Soul Vessel from his corpse. If you let him go, then he’ll take the Soul Vessel with him, and you won’t be able to complete the ritual. You’ll also need to loot the sarcophagus right behind Nridek. Inside it you’ll find Cladhaliath, the spear that you’ll enchant.

Back in the ritual chamber, you’ll need to have two characters stand on the icons that lit up when you answered the questions of the stone heads (#1, #2). If you don’t remember what the icons look like, then you can just run back to the heads. The icons will be glowing on the walls nearby. You’ll then need to have two characters stand on those icons in the ritual chamber (one to the left of the dais and one to the right) while a third character climbs up onto the dais. The stone head above the dais will ask you if you want to sacrifice some of your essence for the Soul Vessel. You won’t actually lose anything, so say “yes.” You’ll end up with an Infused Soul Vessel. Finally, you’ll need to click on the urn in the center of the ritual chamber. The enchanting interface will pop up. Choose the “engwithan soul spear” option to enchant Cladhaliath and complete the ritual.

4 – Sacrificial Chamber

In this chamber you’ll get ambushed by Spectres. If you didn’t kill the Giantslayers in Act II (during the quest The Bronze Beneath the Lake), then you’ll discover their bodies here. They won’t have anything of interest to loot.

5 – Nridek / Sarcophagus

When you approach Nridek, he’ll talk to you, and he’ll tell you that he would like to take his Soul Vessel to form a new colony. If you let him go, then he’ll leave peacefully, but he’ll take the Soul Vessel with him. If you attack him, then you’ll be able to loot his corpse to pick up the Soul Vessel — which you’ll need for the ritual (#3) — but you’ll have to fight him plus all of the spiders in the room with him. This can be a tough fight. For an easier time, position your party at the entranceway to the room, so you can keep the spiders away from your casters.

You’ll also discover a sarcophagus at this location. Inside it you’ll find the spear Cladhaliath, which you’ll need it for the ritual (#3) along with the Soul Vessel. If you’re working on the quest The Bronze Beneath the Lake, then you’ll also find Ancient Engwithan Weapons inside the sarcophagus.

On the eastern side of the room, you can detect a web holding a random magical object.

6 – Trapped Sarcophagus

Inside this sarcophagus you’ll find a random magical object.

7 – Secret Chamber

To open this chamber, you’ll have to detect the loose brick right next to it. Inside it you’ll find a random magical item in a vase.

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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
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