Endless Paths of Od Nua, Levels 7-8 – Pillars of Eternity Location

This guide covers a location of Pillars of Eternity in Act 1. The guide has an overview of the area, and a map with a legend.

endlesspathsofodnua 78

1 – Chest
2 – Pedestal
3 – Pedestal
4 – Chest
5 – Pedestal
6 – Chest
7 – Locked Door
8 – Chest
9 – Broken Tablet
10 – Shelf
11 – Pedestal
12 – Exit Pedestal
13 – Locked Door
14 – Throned Fampyr
15 – Chest
16 – Trapped Chest


  1. Stairs up to Level 6.
  2. Stairs between Level 7 and Level 8.
  3. Stairs down to Level 9.
  4. World exit.


1 – Chest

Inside this chest you’ll find a Wind Prism.

2 – Pedestal

Placing the Earth Prism (#8) on this pedestal will activate the nearby Earth Blight Forge, which will attract away a Greater Earth Blight from the exit pedestal (#12), giving you an easier fight there.

3 – Pedestal

Placing the Fire Prism (#6) on this pedestal will activate the nearby Fire Blight Forge, which will attract away a Greater Fire Blight from the exit pedestal (#12), giving you an easier fight there.

4 – Chest

Inside this chest you’ll find a Rain Prism and an Old Copper Key. The key will allow you to open a door to the east (#7).

5 – Pedestal

Placing the Wind Prism (#1) on this pedestal will activate the nearby Wind Blight Forge, which will attract away a Greater Wind Blight from the exit pedestal (#12), giving you an easier fight there.

6 – Chest

Inside this chest you’ll find a Fire Prism.

7 – Locked Door

To unlock this door, you’ll need the Old Copper Key (#4).

8 – Chest

Inside this chest you’ll find an Earth Prism.

9 – Broken Tablet

You’ll be able to examine a broken tablet here. It’s a part of the quest Time and Tide.

10 – Shelf

Inside this shelf you’ll find the unique wand Elawen Ein.

11 – Pedestal

Placing the Rain Prism (#4) on this pedestal will activate the nearby Rain Blight Forge, which will attract away a Greater Rain Blight from the exit pedestal (#12), giving you an easier fight there.

12 – Exit Pedestal

Activating this pedestal will open up the nearby exit door, allowing you to descend to Level 8 (via Exit B).

13 – Locked Door

The only way to open this door is to pick its lock.

14 – Throned Fampyr

You’ll meet a fampyr here on a throne. He’ll try to talk to you. If you know the Engwithan language (gained during the quest Undying Heritage), then you’ll be able to communicate with him, and he’ll ask you to deal with the “pests” who are bothering him. The “pests” are the other fampyrs occupying the level. If you kill all of them and return to the throned fampyr, then he’ll allow you to pass unharmed, and he’ll even give you a bit of background information about the Endless Paths.

If you can’t understand the fampyr, or if you don’t want to do his dirty work for him, then you’ll have to fight him plus all of the darguls with him. The fight can be nasty, especially if you start out surrounded, but the throned fampyr will drop Argwes Adra when he dies, which is a useful piece of armor.

15 – Chest

You’ll find Camping Supplies in this chest.

16 – Trapped Chest

Inside this chest you’ll find the unique crossbow Good Friend.

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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
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