Cragholdt – Pillars of Eternity Location

This guide covers a location of Pillars of Eternity: The White March in Part 1. The guide has an overview of the area, and a map with a legend.


1 – Cylindrical Bookcases
2 – Thrall Assassin
3 – Uariki’s Lab
4 – Pelden’s Lab
5 – Sabel’s Lab
6 – Skeletons
7 – Treasure Chamber
8 – Tanoss’ Lab
9 – Secret Door
10 – Concelhaut’s Door
11 – Concelhaut’s Study


  1. Main exit back to Cragholdt Bluffs.
  2. Back exit back to Cragholdt Bluffs.


1 – Cylindrical Bookcases

If you search these bookcases, then you’ll find a random item inside each one. These items can be gems, coins, scrolls, a Battle-Worn Grimoire (containing several level 1-6 spells), an Exceptional Stiletto, the book The Iroccian Calendar (which is worth 2000 cp but requires Lore 10 to notice), a Ring of Deflection, or a Spellward Amulet.

2 – Thrall Assassin

When you reach this point, a thrall assassin will invite you to meet with Tanoss (#8).

3 – Uariki’s Lab

Uariki is one of Concelhaut’s apprentices. She’s involved in the quest Siege of Cragholdt. If you kill her, then you’ll find a Ring of Deflection, a Ring of Protection, and Uariki’s Note on her corpse. Also in the room you can pick up three Durgan Iron Ingots and an Ebony Spider Figurine (from a hidden compartment beneath a floor tile) and Uariki’s Research Notes (from a table).

4 – Pelden’s Lab

Pelden is one of Concelhaut’s apprentices. He’s involved in the quest Siege of Cragholdt. If you kill him, then you’ll find a Girdle of Mortal Protection, a Necklace of Fireballs, a Ring of Overseeing, and Pelden’s Note on his corpse. Also in the room you can pick up Glanfathan Stalking Boots and a Rugged Wilderness Hat (from a locked chest) and Pelden’s Research Notes (from a table).

5 – Sabel’s Lab

Sabel is one of Concelhaut’s apprentices. She’s involved in the quest Siege of Cragholdt. If you kill her, then you’ll find Boots of Evasion, Bracers of Deflection, a Cloak of Minor Missiles, and Sabel’s Note on her corpse. You’ll also find Sabel’s Research Notes on a nearby table.

6 – Skeletons

Inside this room you’ll encounter several easy-to-kill human skeletons. You’ll also find a corpse holding Camping Supplies.

7 – Treasure Chamber

The door to this treasure chamber has a difficulty 8 lock, which you’ll have to pick. The door is also trapped, but there isn’t any way to disarm it, so you’ll have to send one hardy character to open it up while the rest of your party hides somewhere. Also be careful of the patrolling void seers. If they spot you opening the door then they’ll attack you.

Inside the chamber, you’ll find two locked and trapped chests containing lots of gems, an Iridescent Scarab Figurine, and The Last Tower. The locks on the chests have a difficulty of 10 and 12. The traps have a difficulty of 12 and 14.

8 – Tanoss’ Lab

Tanoss is one of Concelhaut’s apprentices. He’s involved in the quest Siege of Cragholdt. If you kill him, then you’ll find a Ring of Thorns, a Torc of Defiance, and Tanoss’ Note on his corpse. You can also find an Ebony Spider Figurine in a shelf in the lab.

9 – Secret Door

To open up this door, you’ll need to pull the lever on its western side.

10 – Concelhaut’s Door

When you click on this door, it will ask you four questions. To learn the right answers, you’ll have to collect and read the notes from Concelhaut’s four apprentices (#3-5, #8). The answers are:

  • A warded mind
  • Pride
  • Malleability
  • Mortality

When you get the answers right, the door will open.

11 – Concelhaut’s Study

This is where you’ll encounter Concelhaut. You’ll need to kill him for the quest Siege of Cragholdt. See that quest entry for some strategy advice about how to deal with him.

Concelhaut will drop Boots of Stability, Bracers of Deflection, a Broad Belt of Power, Concelhaut’s Skull, and a Spellward Amulet when he dies. He’ll also drop a grimoire called the Ironclasped. It’ll contain all of Concelhaut’s spells — including two that you can’t learn anywhere else: Concelhaut’s Draining Missiles (level 2) and Concelhaut’s Crushing Doom (level 7).

Also in the study you’ll find an Obsidian Lamp Figurine (in a shelf) and a Sky Dragon Eye (on Concelhaut’s desk).

Note: After attacking Concelhaut, all of the void seers in the area will turn hostile.

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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
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