Bounty Tasks: The White March Part 1 – Pillars of Eternity Quest

This guide is for a quest in Part 1 of Pillars of Eternity: The White March. The guide has a walkthrough of the area, and a map with a legend.

bounties wmpart1

1 – Tealdor
2 – Temple of Ondra
3 – The Gleaming Society
4 – Meztla
5 – Disciples of the True Flame
6 – Laenric


In the White March Part 1, you’ll receive four bounties from Tealdor in Stalwart Village (#1). You’ll have to complete his first two bounties (the Gleaming Society and Meztla) before he’ll give you his second two (the Disciples of the True Flame and Laenric).

Bounty: The Gleaming Society

Tealdor will tell you that the Gleaming Society is a “crazy pack of radicals” whose idea of a good time is to “topple governments and kill the wealthy.” He’ll then mention that the mayor has set aside some bounty money for anyone who can take them out, and he’ll let you know that they can be found to the east.

You’ll find the Gleaming Society in the southern part of Longwatch Falls (#3). They’ll have a group of disciples, priestesses, and paladins, plus their leader Ulmar. As always, you should take down the priestesses first and then deal with the rest. When you loot the corpses, you’ll find lots of “fine” items, plus Exceptional Padded Armor, Sandals of the Forgotten Friar, and Ulmar’s Head. When you deliver the head to Tealdor, he’ll reward you with 3000 cp, and you’ll also earn a “moderate” amount of reputation with Stalwart Village.

Note: If you’re playing the normal (and not the high-level) version of this task, then we’d recommend waiting until you’re at least level 9, so you’ll have level 5 spells available to you.

Bounty: Meztla

Tealdor will tell you that the Sisterhood of the Slaked Skull worships Berath by “sending as many folk back to the Wheel as they can.” He’ll then mention that the mayor has set aside some bounty money for anyone who can deliver the head of their leader Meztla, and he’ll let you know that they recently passed through the village and spoke to Lafda in the Temple of Ondra (#2). If you ask Lafda about the sisters, then she’ll tell you that they were headed for Durgan’s Battery.

You’ll find Meztla and the Sisterhood in the middle of Durgan’s Battery (#4). They’ll have a variety of classes with them. You should take out the wizard and the cipher first (to prevent getting dominated), then take out the priestess, and then mop up the rest. When you loot the corpses afterwards, you’ll find some “fine” items, plus the Forgotten Tear of the Beloved and Meztla’s Head.

When you deliver Meztla’s Head to Tealdor, he’ll reward you with 3000 cp, and you’ll also earn a “moderate” reputation bonus with Stalwart Village.

Bounty: Disciples of the True Flame

Tealdor will tell you that the Disciples of the True Flame are a group of dragon cultists, and that they like to burn things down. You’ll find them on the eastern side of Longwatch Falls (#5).

The Disciples will have a variety of classes with them, plus their leader Firedorn. Focus on the adragans first and then worry about the rest. After the battle, you’ll mostly only find “fine” items on the corpses along with Firedorn’s Head. When you deliver the head to Tealdor, he’ll reward you with 4000 cp, and you’ll also earn a “moderate” reputation bonus with Stalwart Village.

Bounty: Laenric

Tealdor will tell you that the Old Dunryd Hunting Lodge is a group of “Aedyrans with too much time and money,” and that they like hunting monsters for sport — which sounds good except for the fact that they don’t have any problem with collateral damage, and they always leave dead bodies and wrecked property in their wake.

You’ll find Laenric and the Hunting Lodge in the middle of Russetwood (#6). They’ll all be spellcasters, so you should quickly kill them one at a time to prevent them from casting annoying spells on you. After the battle when you loot the bodies, you’ll find several “fine” and “exceptional” items, plus at least one Cloak of Protection, a Cape of the Master Mystic, and Laenric’s Head.

When you deliver Laenric’s Head to Tealdor, he’ll reward you with 4000 cp, and you’ll also earn a “moderate” reputation bonus with Stalwart Village.

1 – Tealdor

2 – Temple of Ondra

3 – The Gleaming Society

4 – Meztla

5 – Disciples of the True Flame

6 – Laenric

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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
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