At All Costs – Pillars of Eternity Quest

This guide is for a particular side quest in Pillars of Eternity during Act 2. The guide has a walkthrough of the area, and a map with a legend.


1 – Pallegina
2 – Vailian Trading Company
3 – Goose and Fox


When you approach the Vailian Trading Company warehouse in Ondra’s Gift (#2), you might get stopped by a paladin named Pallegina (#1), who will make a point of insulting Mestre Verzano’s business acumen before departing. Then inside the warehouse, you’ll meet Mestre Verzano himself, who will give you this quest.


Verzano will ask you to deliver some Bitter Squash Seeds to Gareth inside the Goose and Fox in Copperlane, but he’ll warn you that some of his other couriers have been assaulted lately, and that you should be careful. When you meet with Gareth, you’ll learn that House Doemenel (one of the three factions in Defiance Bay) has exclusive merchandizing rights with the seeds, and that they won’t be happy with this deal.

At the end of the transaction, Danna Doemenel will enter the inn. She’ll be more upset with Gareth than you, and she’ll make you an offer: if you kill Verzano for her, then you’ll avoid his “sinking ship,” and you’ll stay in good standing with the Doemenels.

If you’re feeling aggressive, then you can kill Danna and her crew. This won’t greatly alter the quest. Danna will drop a few “fine” items when she dies, but you’ll lose an “extraordinary” amount of reputation with House Doemenel for each kill, which will make you a “terror” to them. You’ll also get ambushed by some Doemenel thugs when you make your way back to Verzano’s warehouse.

When you return to Verzano (#2), he’ll be dismayed to learn that the Doemenels knew what he was up to. Then he’ll get more good news: Pallegina will show up to let him know that the Vailian Republics are no longer protecting him. This will give you three ways to proceed:

  • You can kill Verzano and his guards. If Danna is still alive, then her party will help you do this. Afterwards, you’ll find the unique pistol Forgiveness and a Pocket Watch on Verzano’s corpse. You’ll also earn “minor” and “moderate” reputation bonuses with House Doemenel, but you’ll lose a “minor” amount of reputation with Defiance Bay for each kill. Choosing this path will give you an “in” with the Doemenels, which will allow you to meet with them at their house in Brackenbury.

    If you killed Danna in the Goose and Fox, then you’ll have to kill Verzano and his guards on your own, but he won’t have any casters with him, so the battle should be straightforward. Afterwards, you’ll find the unique pistol Forgiveness and a Pocket Watch on Verzano’s corpse, but you’ll lose a “minor” amount of reputation with Defiance Bay for each kill.

    Note: The Pocket Watch can’t be used for anything.

  • You can accept Verzano’s payment and leave him for the Doemenels. You’ll only get this option if Danna is still alive. You’ll receive 1000 cp plus the unique pistol Forgiveness from Verzano, and then Danna and her crew will move in for the kill. You’ll automatically leave the warehouse, and if you go back inside, then you’ll find everybody gone. This is a neutral response as far as the Doemenels are concerned. You won’t gain or lose any reputation with them.

  • You can protect Verzano from the Doemenels. If Danna is still alive, then she’ll show up with her crew and attack you plus Verzano and his guards. This should be an easy battle, but you’ll lose an “extraordinary” amount of reputation with the Doemenels for each kill, which will make you a “terror” to their faction. Afterwards, Verzano will give you 1000 cp plus the unique pistol Forgiveness, and then he’ll disappear.

    If you killed Danna at the Goose and Fox, then you won’t have to attack anybody new now, and you’ll earn the same reward from Verzano.

After completing the quest, when you exit Verzano’s warehouse (#2), you’ll find Pallegina back where you first met her (#1), and you’ll be able to add her to your party.

1 – Pallegina

2 – Vailian Trading Company

3 – Goose and Fox

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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
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