Against the Grain – Pillars of Eternity Quest

This guide is for a particular side quest in Pillars of Eternity during Act 1. The guide has a walkthrough of the area, and a map with a legend.


1 – Windmill
2 – The Black Hound



Just outside the windmill, you’ll witness some farmers led by Sweynur arguing with Trumbel the miller over how the local grain should be distributed, and you’ll be tasked with investigating the feud.

When you talk to Trumbel, he’ll say that Sweynur is just stirring up trouble, but he’ll also admit that he holds back some grain for worthy recipients, like Aufra who is pregnant. When you talk to Sweynur (in the Black Hound inn, #2), he’ll claim that Trumbel is getting rich while the farmers are starving. You’ll have a few ways to settle the matter:

  • You can kill Sweynur and his men. This will earn you a “moderate” reputation penalty with Gilded Vale. Then when you return to Trumbel, he’ll reward you with 20 cp, and you’ll earn a “moderate” reputation bonus with Gilded Vale.

  • You can buy Sweynur and his men a round of drinks. With Resolve 12, this won’t cost you anything. Otherwise, you’ll have to pay a whole 6 cp. But regardless, buying the round will earn you a “slight” reputation bonus with Gilded Vale. Then when you deliver the drinks to Sweynur, you’ll be able to convince him diplomatically to lay off Trumbel. You can also convince Sweynur via the Resolve 16 and Might 16 dialogue options.

    When you return to Trumbel, you’ll earn a “moderate” reputation bonus with Gilded Vale, and Trumbel will offer you a reward. If you accept it, then you’ll receive 20 cp. If you allow Trumbel to keep it, then you’ll earn another “moderate” reputation bonus with Gilded Vale. If you demand more money, then you’ll receive 40 cp.

  • You can convince Trumbel to give better prices to Sweynur and the other farmers. If you use the Resolve dialogue option, then you’ll earn a “minor” reputation bonus with Gilded Vale. If you use the Might dialogue option, then you’ll earn a “minor” reputation penalty with Gilded Vale. But either way, when you return to Sweynur, he’ll reward you with 10 cp, and you’ll earn a “moderate” reputation bonus with Gilded Vale.

  • You can kill Trumbel and his family (by force-attacking them). This will cost you “major” reputation with Gilded Vale for each kill. Then when you return to Sweynur, he’ll be shocked at your actions, and he won’t give you a reward.

1 – Windmill

2 – The Black Hound

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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
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