A Farmer’s Plight – Pillars of Eternity Quest

This guide is for a particular side quest in Pillars of Eternity during Act 1. The guide has a walkthrough of the area, and a map with a legend.


1 – Rumbald
2 – Grisly Cave


You’ll receive this quest from Rumbald in Dyrford Village (#1).


Rumbald will tell you that the ogre Korgrak stole his pigs, and he’ll ask you to hunt him down. You’ll find Korgrak in a cave in Dyrford Crossing (#2). Surprisingly, he won’t automatically attack you. Instead, he’ll talk to you, and if you’re rational with him, then you’ll have three ways to complete the quest:

  • You can attack Korgrak, plus the bears with him. Korgrak hits hard, so this can be a tough battle, but afterwards you’ll find Korgrak’s Head when you loot the bodies. When you take the head to Rumbald, he’ll be thrilled, and he’ll offer you 600 cp, the unique blunderbuss Lead Spitter, and a Piglet. If you accept this reward, then you’ll earn a “moderate” reputation bonus with Dyrford Village. If you tell Rumbald to keep his money, then you’ll earn a “major” reputation bonus instead.

  • You can convince Korgrak to lay low for a while or leave the area. If you choose the latter, then you’ll get an option to invite Korgrak to stay at Caed Nua, which will make him hirable once you’ve rebuilt the barracks there. Korgrak will add -6 prestige and +6 defense to your stronghold.

    However, when you return to Rumbald, he won’t be happy with your choice, and you’ll be given a few ways to respond. If you’re rational, then Rumbald will give you 350 cp and a Piglet, and you’ll earn a “minor” reputation bonus with Dyrford Village. If you say “that’s disgusting,” then Rumbald will give you a Piglet, and you’ll earn a “minor” reputation bonus with Dyrford Village. If you’re aggressive, then Rumbald will give you 350 cp and a Piglet, and you’ll take a “minor” reputation penalty with Dyrford Village. If you give Rumbald 400 cp, then he’ll reward you with the unique blunderbuss Lead Spitter plus a Piglet, and you’ll earn “minor” and “moderate” reputation bonuses with Dyrford Village.

  • You can convince Korgrak to eat Rumbald. For this case, when you return to Rumbald’s farm, you’ll find Rumbald’s wife there rather than Rumbald. She’ll give you a Piglet as your reward, but you won’t earn any cp or reputation.

1 – Rumbald

2 – Grisly Cave

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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
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