Ygadr’s Journal

pillars of eternity equipment journal brown


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DLC: The White March Part 1

Most of the few remaining pages are ruined with mud, but you can make out an entry near the end of the journal:

"Folcsdag. Woke up this morning and saw my toes had turned blue. Spent the last of my fuel warming them up, but it only took me an hour to start the campfire this time. HOW far I’ve come!

I passed a village yesterday and thought about stopping. A warm bed and a proper meal would’ve been a treat after almost a week in these mountains! But I don’t want to lose track of my soul twin, not when I’m so close.

I dreamed of the cave behind the waterfall last night. I think that’s where I’ll find him — I’m not sure what else it could mean. But I’d better –"

The next page is missing, and the rest are unreadable.

Where to Find

  • Longwatch Falls – Found on ground in hot springs

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