Whispers of Yenwood

pillars of eternity equipment sword whispers of yenwood

Weapon – Sword

1-Handed Weapon
Value: 405
Damage: 11-16 Slash/Pierce
Speed: Average
Interrupt: 0.5
  • Reliable: +20% of Grazes converted to Hits
  • Slaying (Spirit): +5 Accuracy against Spirit, +25% damage against Spirit
  • Will: -3

DLC: Base Game

Its blade covered with graceful Glanfathan engravings, Whispers of Yenwood was once the sword of the first Roadwarden of Caed Nua.

When the Erl of Yenwood appointed Cafed Eodhart, the young lord feared the spirits that were rumored to dwell under the young castle’s foundation. He spent a sizeable sum to have the black Ymyran steel blade forged, shipped to the Eastern Reach for engraving by the erl’s Glanfathan slave artisans, and enchanted in New Dunryd.

Cafed is known to have used the sword in the Battle of Old Geiran and to help the neighboring Raedrics suppress an uprising in Gilded Vale, but there is no recorded use of it in Caed Nua.

Over time, Cafed began to believe that the sword had been cursed by the Glanfathan artisans who decorated it. He confided in those close to him that he thought the spirits of the dead were speaking to him through the blade while he slept.

One evening, against the pleas of his wife and soldiers, a maddened Cafed carried the sword deep into the misty woods of Eir Glanfath. His body was never recovered, but the next Roadwarden the erl assigned to Caed Nua found it waiting for him on the throne in the keep’s great hall. None of the soldiers could explain how the sword had appeared there. No Roadwarden has carried the sword since that day.

Where to Find

  • Caed Nua (Great Hall) – Found in vase near entrance

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