Unsigned Letter


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DLC: The White March Part 1

Commander Baelorin,

Proceed to Cragholdt with utmost haste. Concelhaut will not willingly part with the Engwithan Phylactery, but you must secure it by any means necessary. Be warned that all previous attempts at acquiring the artifact have met with abject failure. We know very little about the phylactery, save that it is nearly indestructible. With that in mind, I would recommend using your considerable forces to lay siege to Cragholdt. Once Concelhaut is dead, you may retrieve the phylactery from what remains of his tower. Delivery of the artifact is your primary charge, but definitive proof of Concelhaut’s demise shall entitle you to a substantial bonus.

Spare no expense in fulfilling this task, but know that any outside interference will constitute a breach of this agreement. I have spent considerable resources to ensure that any local authorities will look the other way. Any overly-curious parties should be dealt with accordingly.

Where to Find

  • Cragholdt Bluffs – Found on table in command tent

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