Skaen Cultist Robes

pillars of eternity equipment robe armor skaen

Light Armor – Chest

Value: 240

Damage Resistance: 5
Recovery Speed: -15
  • Fine: +2 Damage Reduction

DLC: Base Game

Those who plot the destruction of their superiors while keeping an impassive face will whisper a prayer to Skaen. Political rebels also call upon him for justice, in the hope that he will intercede on their behalf with Woedica, with whom he is associated. However, Skaen is an unforgiving deity. If a supplicant tips his hand or acts too rashly, the god will abandon them. The same goes for those who actually achieve their ambitions and rise to a higher station — they can no longer count on Skaen for aid.

These robes are comprised of little more than a simple, undyed piece of cloth, tied at the waist by thick cord. They have been used during the grim rituals of the Skaenite faithful, it seems, for they are spattered with patches of blood, both recent and long-dried.

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