Scales of the Raven

pillars of eternity equipment scale armor backer scales of the raven

Medium Armor – Chest

Value: 740

Damage Resistance: 9 (Slash 11, Pierce 7, Freeze 11)
Recovery Speed: -35
  • Fine: +2 Damage Reduction
  • Stealth: 2
  • Perception: 2

DLC: Base Game

Once a simple set of scale mail worn by an elven scout of the Fisher Crane tribe, it was transformed along with its wearer. The scout and his party ambushed an expeditionary force that had ventured too far into the Thein Bog. One of the explorers, a wizard, cursed the scout with a spell that turned him into a raven. The scout survived the battle and took advantage of his new form to track the wizard back to his tower.

When the scout broke the curse, he found that his armor retained some of the affliction’s magic. Far-sighted and nearly undetectable, he broke into the wizard’s tower, evading its magical defenses, and killed him in his sleep.

The suit is black and form-fitting, and the feather-like scales grow in erratic whorls. They fall off over time only to grow back again in new patterns.

Where to Find

  • Oldsong (Galawain’s Maw) – Reward for completing the quest Prison of Ice

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