Rod of Pale Shades

pillars of eternity equipment rod of pale shades

Weapon – Rod

2-Handed Weapon
Value: 1805
Damage: 14-21 Pierce/Slash
Speed: Average
Range: 10m
Interrupt: 0.5
  • Exceptional: +8 Accuracy, +30% Damage
  • Stunning: Attacks can Stun on Crits
  • Disorienting: Inflicts -5 All Defenses for 5s on hit

DLC: Base Game

At the beginning of Waidwen’s Legacy, a cleric of Berath in New Heomar petitioned his god to end the Hollowborn curse. He knelt on the stone floor of his temple and prayed for five days straight, forsaking food, water, and sleep for the sake of his vigil. On the evening of the fifth day, he fell into an exhausted slumber and dreamt that the Pallid Knight told him to restore the cycle by returning the souls of the living to it. When he awoke, he found a large but plain candlestick from the temple altar lying next to his hand.

He fashioned the candlestick into a weapon, and he prowled the city, murdering the elderly and the infirm in Berath’s name. As the death toll climbed into the dozens, a mob of the vengeful and bereaved formed to track him down. They caught up with the cleric outside his temple and turned his own weapon on him, bashing his skull apart in the streets. Several onlookers claimed to see an elderly dwarf, cloaked and impossibly emaciated, standing in the shadows and laughing.

Where to Find

  • Endless Paths of Od Nua (Level 10) – Dropped by Cean Gwla in locked room

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