Old Gerun’s Wall

Armor – Shield

Value: 805
Deflection: 16
Accuracy: -8
  • Superb: +12 Shield Deflection
  • Vigilance: +10% of Incoming Hits converted to Grazes

DLC: Base Game

Everyone in Baelreach knew Gerun as a grumpy old man with an inordinate fondness for beets and no patience for chit-chat. None knew him as the Aedyran bruiser whose own troubled past had forced him to seek a fresh start in the colonies.

So when Aedyran soldiers snatched into Baelreach at the start of the War of Defiance, it surprised everyone when Old Gerun joined the village defenders with a shield and sword and went toe-to-toe with the Aedyran forces, holding them back as well as any of his younger comrades.

Where to Find

  • Madhmr Bridge – Dropped by Galen Dalgard during the task Bounty: Galen Dalgard

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