Lenas Er

Weapon – Hunting Bow

2-Handed Weapon
Value: 2010
Damage: 15-22 Pierce
Speed: Fast
Range: 12m
Damage Resistance Bypass: 3
Interrupt: 0.5
  • Superb: +12 Accuracy, +45% Damage
  • Disorienting: Inflicts -5 All Defenses for 5s on hit

DLC: Base Game

Lenas Er ("Eagle Eye") was the prize possession of a Glanfathan hunter from the infamous Three-Tusk Stelgaer tribe. As she never went anywhere without it, it was never truly determined whether the weapon’s accuracy owed more to her skill or that of its maker. She fought in the War of Black Trees and was driven out of cover by the fires — it’s said that her fear for Lenas Er was so great, she charged headlong into a squadron of soldiers. Even so, she felled seven of them before they brought her down.

Where to Find

  • Hearthsong (The Passage of the Six) – Reward for completing the quest Hunter, Brother

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