Lead Spitter

Weapon – Blunderbuss

2-Handed Weapon
Value: 1000
Damage: 8-12 Pierce (x6)
Speed: Very Slow
Range: 8m
Damage Resistance Bypass: 3
Interrupt: 0.05
Accuracy: -10
  • Damage: 0.3
  • DR Reduction: 4 DR bypass, -0.3 to Crit Damage multiplier

DLC: Base Game

Harried by persistent thieves, the merchant Bereden had this hefty blunderbuss forged as a means of protecting his wares. The gun proved as indiscriminately lethal as the dwarf’s temper, firing a destructive hail of iron that made short and messy work of anyone who dared creep up on his wagons during the night. Bereden was very pleased with the weapon’s performance, as were the brigands who eventually robbed him of it.

Where to Find

  • Dyrford Village – Possible reward from Rumbald for completing quest A Farmer’s Plight

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