Girdle of Eotun Constitution

pillars of eternity equipment belt girdle eoton

Armor – Wait

Value: 610
  • Constitution: 3

DLC: Base Game

Eotens feature in the most grotesque of folk tales. Once merely the most aggressive and unstable of ogres, Eotens have since developed into massive monstrosities that are both larger and far less intelligent than their cousins. Eotens have two heads, one notably smaller than the other, and when the larger of these is incapacitated, the smaller retains just enough brute cunning to keep an Eoten fighting.

Named for these monstrosities, this belt provides a charm granting a similar kind of hardy perseverance.

Where to Find

  • Durgan’s Battery (The Mines) – Found on skeleton
  • Durgan’s Battery (The Foundry) – Found in secret chamber

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