Crumpled Experimental Notes


Value: 0

DLC: The White March Part 1

This crumpled piece of parchment was found jammed inside the faceplate of a construct.

"My efforts to instill even a child’s intelligence in these creations have all failed. Most cannot hold a quill, much less set thoughts to paper. I believed for some time that subject sixty-three might have had a breakthrough during its lessons, but I discovered that it has simply been repeating my words, without comprehension.

These were not enlightened characters while they wore their original skins. Perhaps their essence lacks a fundamental capacity for learning?

I have put them to the test in more martial arts, but here too they falter without the benefit of true sentience. The Devil, of course, delights in mocking them. It is like boasting of besting children at combat.

If I only had my old machines!"

Where to Find

  • Galvino’s Workshop – Found in Iron Construct

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