Coat of Ill Payment

pillars of eternity equipment brigandine armor coat of ill payment

Heavy Armor – Chest

Value: 940

Damage Resistance: 14 (Crush 18, Corrode 11)
Recovery Speed: -50
  • Retaliation: Retaliate when hit by a melee attack
  • Resolve: 2
  • Exceptional: +4 Damage Reduction

DLC: Base Game

The Coat of Ill Payment came into the hands of an Aedyran gambler after he won it in a game of chance. Unsure of exactly what use he’d get out of it, he took to wearing it at his games as a good luck charm. An opponent accused him of cheating and attempted to beat payment out of the gambler — only to recoil in pain after landing the first blow. The gambler realized then that the armor granted him some measure of magical protection — and decided upon a new scheme.

The gambler would get into a game, cheat openly — or at least give the appearance of it — and then fight the angry party when matters escalated, often for higher stakes. This worked swimmingly — until he overplayed his hand, and found himself on the receiving end of more angry fists than the armor could handle.

Where to Find

  • Esternwood – Dropped by Thorfen during the task Bounty: Thorfen

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