
pillars of eternity equipment war bow cloudpiercer

Weapon – War Bow

2-Handed Weapon
Value: 1410
Damage: 15-23 Pierce
Speed: Average
Range: 12m
Interrupt: 0.5
  • Spell Striking: Grants Jolting Touch
  • Rending: 3 DR bypass
  • Fine: +4 Accuracy, +15% Damage

DLC: Base Game

The terror of the Great Eastern Ocean, Cloudpiercer was carried by a notorious sea raider who claimed to have been blessed by Ondra herself. His raids were carried out at the start of stormy weather, and gathering clouds were often feared as much as heralds of his arrival as of the storms they promised. The force behind his shots would carry his arrows up beyond the cloud cover, and they were said to bring the power they met there back down to the sea with them, striking all below with the force of a lightning bolt.

Where to Find

  • Copperlane (Admeth’s Den) – Rewarded by Wenan at the end of the quest The Bronze Beneath the Lake

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