Badgradr’s Barricade

pillars of eternity equipment px1 shield medium badgradrs barricade

Armor – Shield

Value: 805
Deflection: 12
Accuracy: -4
  • Bashing: Grants Bash
  • Major Reflection: 10% of ranged attacks reflected back at attacker
  • Spell Striking: Grants Thrust of Tattered Veils on Critical Hit

DLC: The White March Part 1

This heater shield bears the black wolf of the Badgradr line, as well as the personal sigil of the shield’s last bearer, Mecgrun Badgradr.

A renowned fighter, Mecgrun had a reputation for practicality and ingenuity, and in his hands his shield was as much a weapon as his blade. Mecgrun had a particular fondness for taking on spellcasters, for his shield could reflect his foes’ own arrows or spells against them, and a blow to the face from the Barricade was usually enough to put an end to further casting.

While their Ungradr cousins went on to rule the Coldwater region, the Badgradrs did not survive the War of Defiance. Mecgrun himself perished in the Battle of Defiance Bay, and his shield passed into the hands of a series of noble masters before slipping from common recollection.

Where to Find

  • Durgan’s Battery (The Great Hall) – Found in trapped chest in armory

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