Ability Scores – Planescape: Torment

This guide specifies the details for certain character stats and abilities. These descriptions help you understand how each stat affects your character in game.


This ability score represents your persuasiveness, personal magnetism, and ability to lead. The higher your Charisma, the more favorably others will react towards you.


This ability score represents your agility, reflexes, and hand-eye coordination. A high Dexterity makes you more difficult to hit and aids in your thief skills.


This ability score represents your physique, hardiness, and state of health. A high Constitution gives you more hit points, and in the Nameless One’s case, a faster regeneration rate as well.


This ability score represents your memory, reasoning, and deductive skills. A high Intelligence helps you regain memories faster, gives you more dialogue options, and aids in your mage skills.


This ability score represents your raw Strength. A high Strength allows you to carry more weight and makes your melee attacks more accurate and damaging.


This ability score represents your intuition, common sense, and willpower. A high Wisdom helps you recall memories and gives you a bonus to experience points.

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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
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