Tattoo of Wasting Darkness

planescape torment equipment ii293

Accessory – Tattoo

Requires Thief Class, TNO
Value: 1000 Weight: 0
Lore Req to ID:
  • Armor Class: +1
  • Stealth Skill: +5%
  • Charisma: -1
  • Grants Permanent +3% to Stealth Skill When Invoked
  • Grants XP When Invoked

This tattoo came from the severed arm you found in the Dismembered Crypt. Apparently, this tattoo tells of the experiences of one of your past incarnations… the symbols and tales are unfamiliar to you, but it seems to tell of a time when you were seeking shelter beneath the catacombs and were forced to live as a shadow might, hiding from detection by the Sigil authorities and trying to conceal yourself from the more dangerous inhabitants of the Weeping Stone catacombs.

When worn, the tattoo makes concealing yourself easier; it allows you to shape the shadows around you like a cloak. This makes it harder for your enemies to hurt you when they see you and harder for you to find when you don’t wish to be seen. It lends you a sinister appearance, however, which will cause many to shun you.

If you choose to tap into the tattoo’s power, some of the memories of hiding beneath Sigil will return to you, giving you the benefit of the previous incarnation’s experience. It can only do this once, but even after the tattoo is invoked, the ability to shape shadows around you will remain.

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